Protect your passengers' lives. Make sure they wear helmets

Background: Motorcycles are the most common form of transport in Cambodia, making users one of the most vulnerable groups on the road. Nearly 70% of road crashes involve motorcycle drivers or passengers. Disturbingly, 65% of drivers and only 9% of passengers wear helmets on Cambodia’s roads. Since 2005, annual road crash fatalities in Cambodia have doubled, and registered vehicles have more than tripled. Meanwhile, the Cambodian population grew by only 13%.
In 2013, road crashes accounted for 20 times more deaths in Cambodia than landmines, malaria, and dengue fever combined. Helmets are proven to reduce the risk of death by 42% and serious injury by 69%, but until recently in Cambodia, helmet laws and enforcement have only targeted motorcycle drivers, not passengers or children.
On January 9, 2015, the new Road Traffic Law, which requires motorcycle passengers—including children—to wear helmets, was officially promulgated. However, it has yet to be strictly enforced. The TV Commercial is part of AIP Foundation’s “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project supported by USAID-Development Innovation Ventures and others and will contribute to the goal of increasing passenger helmet use rates to 80% in target communes by 2016.
TV Commervial Synopsis: In Cambodia, the public largeley believes in ghosts. The TV Commercial utilizes this belief with 'spirits' who are victims of road crashes because they did not wear helmets. The spirits visit a family on a motorcycle and tell the driver to put helmets on his wife and son to protect them.
Primary - Wearing a helmet can save your life.
Secondary - There is a new law, which states that all passengers must wear a helmet.
Additionally - You will be fined for not wearing a helmet.
Target Audience:
Parents and passengers
Desired Behavior/Action:
- Always wear a helmet when you are the passenger on a motorcycle.
- Always make sure your passengers, including children, are wearing helmets when on a motorcycle.
Single Minded Proposition:
- A passenger could save their life by wearing a helmet
- Putting a helmet on your child passenger could save the child’s life.
Learning Areas:
Communication and informaticsPublic health or related laws, regulations, standards, or guidelines
Learning Objectives:
Identify the inclusion of passengers in the new Road Traffic Law.
Assess the importance of passenger helmet use.
Keyword(s): Communication and informatics
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am involving in the concept development and testing. I provided key recommendations based on the data collected for using the right concepts for TVC development
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.