Piloting the Capacity and Readiness Church Health Assessment (CRCHA): A Tool to Self-Assess African American Faith-Based Organizations (FBO) Organizational Capacity and Readiness to Implement Lifestyle Related Health Programs
Monica Motley, MSEd, MPH, PhD1, Kathryn W. Hosig, PhD, MPH, RD1, J. Elisha Burke, D.Min.2, Ann Forburger, MS1, Debra Jones, MPH3, Theresa Teekah, MA, RN, CHES4 and Keisha Banks-Thornton, MPH, RD5
(1)Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, (2)Baptist General Convention of Virginia, Richmond, VA, (3)Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA, (4)2721 Wicklow Lane, Richmond, VA, (5)Good Nutrition, Midlothian, VA
APHA 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo (Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2016)
Objective: Pilot the Capacity and Readiness Church Health Assessment (CRCHA) to assess FBO organizational capacity and readiness to implement lifestyle related health programs, particularly in partnership with community, health and academic organizations. Participants: network of churches within a state-wide association called the Baptist General Convention of Virginia (BGCVA) (n=1,000). Simple random sampling was used to identify churches to participate within the BGCVA network (n=300). Methods: Participants were provided an electronic and hard copy of the CRCHA and given a minimum of two weeks to submit the questionnaire The CRCHA has four major sections (i.e. church health and wellness resources, availability/church calendar, church health and wellness activities, and congregation health) and 13 subsections that gather information about factors, characteristics, and attributes theorized to be most relevant to FBO organizational capacity and readiness to actively lead and/or partner in lifestyle-related faith-based health programs. Results: Twenty-three churches completed the CRCHA. The Pastor, health ministry lead or member, and church clerk were the most common roles of the individuals that completed or helped complete the questionnaire. Slightly more than half of the questionnaires were completed by one person. The CRCHA successfully collected information that reported frequencies and variation in responses to identify patterns and form hypotheses regarding most influential capacity and readiness factors. Conclusion: The CRCHA has potential to assess FBO attributes that influence organizational capacity and readiness to implement lifestyle-related health and wellness programs, and can be used in research settings and by individual churches for self-assessment to strengthen capacity for health programming.
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programs Chronic disease management and prevention Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practice Diversity and culture Public health or related education