CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo

Black Caucus of Health Workers

Meeting theme: Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health

Submission Deadline: Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Black Caucus of Health Workers (BCHW) of the American Public Health Association (APHA) invites abstracts from public health administrators, educators, physicians, practitioners, researchers, students, community health workers, and, other individuals in related fields to 2019 Annual Meeting.  The theme, “Creating the Healthiest Nation: For Science. For Action. For Health” provides a framework to present the results of scientific research, program evaluation, policy analysis, health predictors and outcomes and lessons learned from research and/or practice.  BCHW encourage abstracts focusing on the process of  translating the science of  research to health solutions and implementation for better health, equitable health care/practices, as it relates to people of the African Diaspora.  Individuals with local, national and international research experiences are encouraged to submit, as well as, new investigators and students. This Call for Abstracts request papers relevant to people of the African Diaspora addressing one of the following topic areas and/or other topics related to creating the Healthiest Nation: For Science. For Action. For Health.
  • African American presidents, deans of colleges, medical and schools of public health working collaboratively with businesses and corporations to create a healthier nation
  • Aging related issues (i.e., Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cognitive disorders, etc.) Assessing End – of - Life care, Hospice care, Affordable Care Act, etc
  • And Still We Rise: History of overcoming institutional and/or societal racism (i.e., education, employment, housing, health care, etc.)
  • Assessing factors related to abuse, abusive behavior, and violence (i.e., mental, physical, domestic, child and elder abuse, etc)
  • Assessing health disparity of racism and discrimination related to racial profiling, walking, talking, driving while black, etc
  • Evidence-based research in schools, faith-based groups, and community organizations on “how” to create healthier African American communities
  • Health disparities of African Americans in the armed services, veterans, and/or the U.S
  • Health equity for African American Elderly Health Across the Life Span
  • Health equity for African American Men’s Health Across the Life Span
  • Health equity for African American Women’s Health Across the Life Span
  • Health equity for African American Youth Health Across the Life Span
  • Injury and violence prevention across the lifespan (i.e., guns, weapons, fists, etc.)
  • Promoting elders with healthy lifestyle practices through diet, exercise, emotional happiness and sense of purpose and value, etc
  • Public Health Service Commission Corps related to ( i.e., PTSD, combat/military, sexual trauma, mental/physical stress, suicide, homelessness, alcohol use/abuse, addiction, incarceration, environmental hazards, agent orange, depression, etc)
  • Societal determinants disproportionate mortality/morbidity rates of African Americans (i.e., stress, hypertension, heart disease, adult onset diabetes, obesity, mental/physical disorders, kidney disease, renal dialysis, substance abuse, addictions, HIV/AIDS, etc.)
  • The Next 50 years of the BCHW: Where do we go from here
  • Transforming Lives: From prison to new beginnings of freedom
  • Transforming Lives: From substance abuse to freedom of addiction
  • Young, Gifted and Black: Initiatives for Black youth to excel creating healthy life styles and productive behaviors. promoting health equity through the arts: dance, poetry, song, paintings, and sculpture
All abstracts will be reviewed on independent merit according to a standardized process by abstract reviewers. Abstracts should address the 2019 Annual Theme: Creating the Healthiest Nation: For Science. For Action. For Health." All abstracts must follow on of the two formats below;

Structured Abstract Format: Abstracts should be submitted in a structured format. Please use one of the following two formats:

  • Background: Study objectives, hypothesis, or a description of the problem;
  • Methodology: Study design, including a description of participants, procedures, measures, and appropriate statistical analyses;
  • Results: Specific results in summary form; and
  • Conclusions: Description of the main outcome of the study or the intended with supporting data.

An alternative format, suited for abstracts about policy, programs, interventions, and other types of research evaluations, may be used:

  • Issues: A summary of the issue(s) addressed;
  • Description: Description of the project, experience, service, or advocacy program;
  • Lessons Learned: A brief description of the results of the project; and
  • Recommendations: A brief statement of next steps.

In addition please clearly state whether a supplemental summary is to be considered;

Please indicate if your abstract submission is directly related to an abstract submitted by another author and the intent is for the two abstracts to be presented during the same session;

Make sure work is original and not previously presented;

Follow proper protocol for APHA abstract submission;

No use of brand names or organizations is permitted;

All abstracts are to be submitted electronically through the APHA on-line electronic abstract submission website.

Abstracts should be 250 words and must include clear and concise learning objectives.

NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED BEYOND  February 22, 2019. Incomplete abstracts will not be considered.

Continuing Education Credit
APHA values the ability to provide continuing education credit to physicians, nurses, health educators and those certified in public health at its annual meeting. Please complete all required information when submitting an abstract so members can claim credit for attending your session. These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials.

For a session to be eligible for Continuing Education Credit, each presenter must provide:

1) an abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names
2) at least one MEASURABLE objective (DO NOT USE understand or to learn as objectives, they are not measurable).
Examples of Acceptable Measurable Action Words:
Explain, Demonstrate, Analyze, Formulate, Discuss, Compare, Differentiate, Describe, Name, Assess, Evaluate, Identify, Design, Define or List.

3) A signed Conflict of Interest (Disclosure) form with a relevant Qualification Statement. See an example of an acceptable Qualification Statement on the online Disclosure form. Thank you for your assistance in making your session credit worthy. Contact Annette Ferebee at if you have any questions concerning continuing education credit. Contact the program planner for all other questions.

Linked-Abstract and Panel Session Details
Scientific program sessions are 90-minutes and typically hold four to five abstracts within a similar theme. If you are interested in linking abstracts to be presented in the same scientific session, please be sure to link all submitted abstracts together. You MUST link each abstract within the APHA on-line abstract submission program. Further, you must notify either Barbara Norman, PhD, MPH, MSPS, MSN at; George R. Smith, Jr., EdD, MPH -, or Apryl Brown, MD, MPH, FRSPH at that these abstracts are a collection. Please be aware, however, that all abstracts are scored on their individual merit. It is possible that not all linked abstracts will be selected. If you are assembling a panel presentation for review, please be aware that a full abstract submission including speakers must be included at the time of the abstract submission. It is highly recommended that any person(s) submitting for a panel presentation, provide supplemental information to the BCHW as previously indicated. The panel will be reviewed based on individual merit and anticipated presenters,  topic area, and how it relates to both the APHA theme and the BCHW’s mission.

BCHW Student Poster Session

The BCHW is actively seeking posters for presentation by Graduate Students (Masters / Doctoral) at accredited graduate schools. Student status must be stated at the point of abstract submission. Student status including anticipated graduation date will be verified prior to abstracts being accepted for presentation. All presentations must be original work that has not been previously presented, in-press, or published. Student posters should follow the conference theme and/or BCHW focus areas as well as meet all appropriate eligibility requirements including but not limited to, membership to BCHW and/or APHA. For additional information, please email BCHW Program Planners Barbara Norman, PhD, MPH, MSPS, MSN at; Apryl Brown, MD, MPH, FRSPH at or George R. Smith, Jr., EdD, MPH at

BCHW is interested in individuals who can present on original, basic, advanced or applied research that addresses public health research, programs and policies impacting the health and quality of life of African Americans and related, vulnerable populations. Please email Barbara J. Norman, PhD, MPH, MSPS, MSN,; George R. Smith, Jr., EdD, MPH, or Apryl Brown, MD, MPH, FRSPH regarding instructions for full session proposals and/or any questions.


Program Planner Contact Information:

George Smith, EdD, MPH
College of Health Sciences
Chicago State University
9501 South King Drive/BHS 201
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: 773-995-2046

Barbara Norman, PhD, MPH, MSPS, MSN
Health and Human Services
Datanor Research Institute
8939 South Oakley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60643
Phone: 7732390900

Apryl Brown, MD, MPH, FRSPH
Wayne County Community College District
APHA Black Caucus of Health Workers / Wayne County Community College District
Downtown Campus
1001 W. Fort Street
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-303-1957