CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo

Caucus on Refugee and Immigrant Health

Meeting theme: Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 22, 2019

The Caucus invites abstracts for papers on current issues in refugee and immigrant health in the US and internationally. The Caucus is particularly interested in topics such as:
  • Barriers and enablers promoting or impeding health among immigrant and refugee communities
  • Community engagement and action to improve refugee and immigrant health
  • Conflict, violence, social inequalities, and the health of refugee and immigrant populations
  • Disparities in access to care and health outcomes in refugee and immigrant populations
  • Emerging issues in refugee and immigrant health
  • Science, policy, and practice to promote health in refugee and immigrant communities
We are particularly interested in abstracts that address immigration to new geographic areas and local responses, and that provide data on health inequities across various immigrant and refugee groups.

Special Instructions to Authors: Limit abstract to 250 words.

Continuing Education Credit:

APHA values the ability to provide continuing education credit to physicians, nurses, health educators, and those certified in public health at its annual meeting. Please complete all required information when submitting an abstract so members can claim credit for attending your session. These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials.

For a session to be eligible for Continuing Education Credit, each presenter, panelist, discussant, and/or faculty must provide:

1) an abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names;

2) at least one MEASURABLE SINGLE objective (“to understand” or “to learn” are not measurable objectives and compound objectives are not acceptable). Use ONLY the following Measurable Action Verbs: Explain, Demonstrate, Analyze, Formulate, Discuss, Compare, Differentiate, Describe, Name, Assess, Evaluate, Identify, Design, Define or List.

3) A signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form with a relevant qualification statement; Example of Acceptable Biographical Qualification Statement: (I have been the principal or co-principal of multiple federally funded grants focusing on the epidemiology of drug abuse, HIV prevention and co-occurring mental and drug use disorders. Among my scientific interests has been the development of strategies for preventing HIV and STDs in out-of-treatment drug users.)

4) All continuing education learning content must be of sound science or professional practice and serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills and professional competence of the health professional. Learning content should be evidence-based if available. A list of over 30 areas will be provided online for you to choose from. You will be asked to choose at least one or up to 6 areas that your presentation will address.

Thank you for your assistance in making your session credit worthy. Contact Annette Ferebee at if you have any questions concerning continuing education. For program questions, contact the program planner listed below.


Program Planner Contact Information:

Laura Nellums, PhD
Institute for Infection and Immunity, St. George's, University of London
Imperial College London
Cranmer Terrace, London, SW17 0RE
United Kingdom

Kelechi Ibe-Lamberts