CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo
Trade and Health Forum
Meeting theme: Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health
Submission Deadline: Friday, February 22, 2019
The Trade & Health Forum of the American Public Health Association invites abstracts for presentation at the Annual Meeting to be held in Philadelphia, PA, November 2 - 6, 2019. Submissions related to APHA's 2018 annual meeting theme, “Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For Health," are encouraged. Submissions should focus on health-related aspects of trade policy and globalization, including a) the relationship between trade policy, globalization and health policy and outcomes, b) how health advocacy, globalization, and political efforts influence trade and c) an examination of underlying societal level structural factors that influence trade, globalization and health. Presentations may be scientific studies, descriptions of or evaluations of advocacy activities, or policy analyses.
Papers may address topics including those listed below:
Health and globalization effects of trade policies
Impact of trade and globalization on social determinants of health
Advocacy activities for trade policies that promote human health
Democratic participation in trade agreement formulation
Corporate influence on globalization and trade policy formulation
Human rights and trade
Analysis of the health effects of specific trade agreements
Health workforce and immigration aspects of trade policies
Tobacco and alcohol trade policies
Worker safety, health and wage aspects of globalization and trade policies
Effects of globalization and trade on indigenous cultures
Sustainable environments, climate change and globalization and trade
Agriculture, globalization and trade policies
Access to medicines, intellectual property, and trade policies
Privatization of health services, globalization and trade policy
Political economic ideology: implications for health and trade policies
Cultural and social factors and their relationship to trade and health policy
Structural factors influencing trade and health, including networks of transnational corporations and relations between corporations and governments.
Please submit your abstracts for one of the following sessions:
Assessing the Impact of Globalization on Public Health
Examining the Relationship Between Trade Agreements and Social Determinants of Health
Trade and Health Forum Business Meeting
Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the APHA website by February 19th, 2019. The abstract is limited to 250 words. An author’s paper may not have been presented or published prior to its presentation at the Annual Meeting. You do not need to be an APHA member to submit an abstract. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, the presenting author MUST become an APHA Individual member and you MUST register for the Annual Meeting by the September pre-registration deadline.
Continuing Education Credit: APHA values the ability to provide continuing education credit to physicians, nurses, health educators and those certified in public health at its annual meeting. Please complete all required information when submitting an abstract so members can claim credit for attending your session.
These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials. For a session to be eligible for Continuing Education Credit, each presenter must provide:
An abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names
At least one MEASURABLE objective (DO NOT USE “to understand” or “to learn” as objectives - they are not measureable). Examples of Acceptable Measurable Action Words: Explain, Demonstrate, Analyze, Formulate, Discuss, Compare, Differentiate, Describe, Name, Assess, Evaluate, Identify, Design, Define or List
A signed Conflict of Interest (Disclosure) form with a relevant Qualification Statement. See an example of an acceptable Qualification Statement on the online Disclosure form.
Thank you for your assistance in making your session credit worthy.
Contact Program Planner Tim K. Mackey at for any questions related to submitting an abstract.
Program Planner Contact Information:
Timothy Mackey, MAS, PhD Global Health Policy Institute 6256 Greenwich Drive San Diego, CA 92122 Phone: 951-491-4161 Fax: 858-534-9168