
You're not supposed to talk about it: A youth participatory approach to understanding mental health stigma and disparities

Caroline Chandler, MPH1, Maura Drewry1, Christa Riggins2, Earlene Riggins2, Melvin Jackson, MSPH3 and Alexandra Lightfoot, EdD1
(1)University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (2)Southeast Raleigh Promise, Raleigh, NC, (3)Alexander YMCA SCALE/Southeast Raleigh Promise, Raleigh, NC

APHA's 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24 - 28)

Background: Youth are experiencing a nationwide mental health crisis. Disparities in mental health service utilization and risk taking behaviors (e.g. self-harming, attempted suicide) suggest that youth of color may face social and structural barriers to accessing mental health support. Through a previous Photovoice project, youth identified mental health as a major concern in the Southeast Raleigh community.

Methods: Building upon previous participatory work, university-based researchers and youth community leaders partnered to conduct in-depth interviews (n=13, mean age=15.46 years) to understand how youth in Southeast Raleigh receive mental health support currently, how they would prefer to access mental health support, and identify barriers to accessing preferred mental health supports.

Results: Emerging themes suggest that youth rely heavily on peers for mental health support and trust one another to understand their social environments. Youth do not view school counselors as reliable sources of mental health support and are reluctant to talk to parents because they don’t want to burden parents with worry. Despite relying on peers, youth often lack the skills or capacity to move beyond empathy to help their friends who may be struggling with depression and anxiety. Youth also cite stigma, affordability, transportation, and time as barriers to care.

Conclusion: Youth in Southeast Raleigh need better access to supportive and affirming mental health care. This study will inform the development of a formal peer mental health support program that aligns with youth preferences and mitigates structural barriers to accessing mental health support.

Advocacy for health and health education Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs Public health or related education Social and behavioral sciences