Climate psychiatry: Mental health impacts of climate disruption
APHA's 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24 - 28)
Based explicitly on the work of the Climate Psychiatry Alliance (CPA) and the UCSF Climate Change and Mental Health Task Force, this panel will equip participants with a structure for addressing this crucial issue with their patients, communities, and themselves. The session will describe the problem, present a model for understanding the issue, and provide a pathway for action. Using didactic presentations, vignettes, and discussion with the audience, this session will discuss a six-component model engineered by CPA: 1). acute climate disasters, 2) slow moving disasters, 3) extreme heat effects, 4) eco-distress, 5) vulnerable populations, and 6) engagement and action. During the overview, these six components will be discussed with attention to acute climate disasters, slow moving disasters, and extreme health effects. Separate panels will explore eco-distress and vulnerable populations. Particular focus will be given to the mental health effects and vulnerabilities of the mentally ill. We will end the session with concrete information on how medical and public health professionals can address this growing threat.
Advocacy for health and health education Environmental health sciences Epidemiology Other professions or practice related to public health