CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo


Meeting theme: "Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges"

Submission Deadline: Monday, April 3, 2023

The APHA Cancer Forum invites abstracts (for oral presentations, poster sessions, and roundtable discussions) describing original research and innovative intervention programs or policies that address topics including behavioral, socioeconomic, and environmental risk factors for cancer; prevention, screening, and early diagnosis; cancer treatment patterns, access to care, outcomes, and costs; strategies to address social determinants of health across the cancer care continuum; and cancer survivorship.

Special consideration will be given to abstracts with research related to the Cancer Forum’s topics of particular interest:

  • Cancer Prevention: Enhancing Cancer Prevention Efforts across Populations (e.g., early interventions targeting risk factors/behaviors; inaccurate information/social media posts on cancer prevention).
  • Cancer Screening/Diagnosis: Improving Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis (e.g., evaluation of community outreach programs to increase screening rates; costs and benefits of technologies to improve diagnosis).
  • Cancer Survivorship and Supportive/Palliative Care: Developing and Promoting Survivorship Strategies and Resources for Patients and Caregivers (e.g., social support programs; interventions to improve quality of life for survivors and their caregivers).
  • Cancer Treatment: Advancing Cancer Treatment from a Population Health Perspective (e.g., strategies to enhance care quality and/or timeliness; patient-reported outcomes; financial hardship/financial toxicity related to cancer treatment).
  • Cancer-Related Policies, Laws, and Guidelines: Evaluating Policies, Laws, and Guidelines That Reduce the Public Health Burden of Cancer (e.g., improving access/affordability to screening and treatment; tobacco control regulations; insurance reform; controversies in treatment and prevention guidelines).
  • Impact of COVID-19 across the Cancer Care Continuum: Rresearch Investigating the Ongoing Impact of the Pandemic Spanning from Prevention to Survivorship Care across the Continuum with Special Emphasis on Efforts to Address Adverse Impacts through Intervention.
  • International Topics in Cancer Prevention and Control: Evaluating Cancer Care, Outcomes, and Prevention in a Global Setting with Special Attention to the Social and Ethical Challenges of Global Cancer Practice and Research.
  • Social and Ethical Challenges across the Cancer Care Continuum: Addressing Challenges Related to Unmet Social Needs (e.g., food insecurity, housing instability, etc.) and/or Ethics (e.g., bioethical, social, and legal) across the Cancer Care Continuum.
  • Structural Barriers to Equitable Cancer Outcomes: Novel Investigations of Social Determinants of Health (and factors upstream) That Contribute to Inequitable Cancer Outcomes Disproportionately Impacting Marginalized Populations, Such As Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Rural Residents, and LGBTQ+ Communities.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on their scientific soundness, conceptual and methodological quality, innovation and novelty, and relevance to the above themes. Abstracts submitted to the Cancer Forum are required to include quantitative or qualitative data to be considered for acceptance. Preliminary or pilot data are acceptable, but proposed projects or abstracts with no data at the time of the abstract submission will be rejected.

Abstracts are limited to 300 words or less.  Referral to web pages or URLs may not be used for abstracts.

An author may not submit the same abstract to more than one Section, SPIG, Caucus or Forum.

Preferences for oral versus poster presentation will be considered, but the program committee will consider all abstracts for both oral and poster categories. Oral presentations at contributed sessions are generally 13-15 minutes in length. An additional 3-5 minutes will be available for discussion and questions from the audience. Presenters at poster sessions should display their work and be available to answer questions throughout the scheduled 60-minute poster session.


Program Planner Contact Information:

Adana Llanos, PhD, MPH


Jessica Islam, PhD


Michelle Shin, PhD, MSN, MPH