CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo

Community Health Planning and Policy Development

Meeting theme: "Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges"

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 31, 2023

The Community Health Planning and Policy Development Section develops and advocates for health planning, policies, and practices to promote health equity, community empowerment and social justice. CHPPD hopes to foster continued discourse, inter- and multi-disciplinary collaboration, and translation of practice to policy. The section invites abstracts that advance these objectives and encompass our mission, with particular interest in abstracts that advance health equity and are broadly related to community health and health policy. These include but are not limited to: addressing racism/discrimination in community health practice, violence prevention and trauma, care coordination for vulnerable populations, community organizing for social justice, community approaches to chronic disease prevention, community engagement, capacity-building, environmental impacts on health, strategies for addressing social determinants of health, and health equity promotion. In addition, the section also invites scientific sessions and posters that address relevant planning, policy and community development themes aligning with the APHA annual meeting theme, including:

  • Addressing Health Impacts of Varying Populations in Mass Incarceration Systems
  • Advocacy Efforts to Advance Community Health and Health Equity
  • Commercial Determinants of Health: Business/Societal Engagements of Private Sector Influences on Social, Physical, Cultural Environments
  • Community Approaches/Policies/Collaborations to Address HIV
  • Community-Based Approaches to Developing, Mobilizing, and Advocating Public Health Improvement Policies
  • Emerging Threats to Community Health
  • Examining Community-Based Approaches to Addressing Trauma, Mental Health, and Violence Prevention
  • Examining the Influence of Economic Policies on the Sustainability of Community Health Programs
  • Exploring Interdisciplinary/Multi-System Approaches to Promoting Equity in Health Care, Particularly for Traditionally Disenfranchised Population (e.g., youth, racial, gender, and sexual minorities, women, immigrants, physically impaired, etc.)
  • Health Equity Issues Related to Environmental Health (e.g., built environment, climate-based concerns, etc.)
  • Implementing and Evaluating Community-Based Solutions to Prevent and Manage Chronic Diseases
  • Implications of Policies That Perpetuate Racial, Gender, and Other Inequities
  • Improving Community Health through Innovative, Interdisciplinary Partnerships
  • Integrating Social Justice within Public Health Frameworks
  • Novel Methods for Measuring Health Equity/Inequity
  • Policy Tools and Communication Strategies to Address Health Misinformation
  • Public Health Workforce Development
  • Racism and Discrimination As Community Health Risks
  • Research on Social Determinants of Health, Gun Violence Exposure and Prevention, and Resilience
  • Strategies for Addressing Access to Care Barriers throughout COVID-19

Abstracts should be limited to 400 words and must include at least one measurable learning objective or an experiential learning activity. Guidance for writing learning objectives can be found below in the Continuing Education Credit section. Referrals to web pages or URLs may not be used for abstracts. Abstracts must not have been presented or published in any journal prior to the APHA Annual Meeting.

Any abstract requiring the use of film or video must be submitted to the Film Festival program, regardless of topic.

For all inquiries about your abstract, always reference the abstract number assigned to you by the APHA on-line system. All presenters must be Individual members of APHA, register for the meeting, and complete a Conflict-of-Interest disclosure in advance of the Annual Meeting.

There are 2 major categories of abstracts:

1) Research Abstracts
Please include the following information if submitting a research abstract: background; objectives; methods; results; conclusions; public health implications.

2) Program Planning/Implementation/Evaluation Abstracts
Please include the following information if submitting a program planning/implementation/ evaluation abstract: introduction to problem being addressed; description of evidence and theory used to inform program development and/or implementation; description of program activities and outcomes or plan to evaluate outcomes; conclusions; and recommendations for practice. Please refer to the Continuing Education Credit section below for additional guidance on what to include in the abstract submission.

Invited CHPPD Sessions
An invited session is an oral scientific session of between 4 to 5 panelists on a related issue or multi-faceted project organized by a CHPPD section member. To propose an invited CHPPD session, the session organizer must a) be a member of APHA, b) have selected CHPPD as a section choice, c) and follow all steps listed below:

First, contact section chair Maurice Johnson, with a brief proposal describing the intended session. Once the Program Committee deems that the proposed session aligns with the themes of CHPPD and the conference, you will be officially invited to submit a detailed proposal. This will require you to complete the following:

  1. Complete invited session cover sheet.
  2. Submit each abstract individually through the online system no later than the abstract due date. Note each assigned abstract number following submission.

All abstracts will be considered as individual submissions. Consideration for the abstracts as a proposed session will occur after the individual review of abstracts. CHPPD does not generally accept full sessions related to a single project.

A proposed invited session should not include more than 5 abstracts. A minimum of 3 abstracts for a proposed invited session needs to be accepted by the review process for the invited session to be scheduled. If less than 3 abstracts are accepted, then the accepted abstracts will be combined with other accepted abstracts to develop a different panel, roundtable, or poster session.

Invited sessions and their component abstracts have the same deadline as individual abstracts submitted to the CHPPD section. There will be NO EXTENSIONS or alternate deadlines for proposed invited sessions.

Invited session planners are encouraged to submit sessions that further critical dialogue beyond Q&A, and actively engage audiences using innovative presentation formats and experiential learning activities. For example, a session may demonstrate and train participants hands-on in the use of an advocacy tool.

Students and New Presenters
We highly value the enthusiastic membership and contribution of students to the CHPPD section’s content. We encourage students to present their work at the 2023 conference, through oral sessions, posters, and panels. We also encourage students to submit abstracts highlighting collaboration with faculty and community members. Members who have never presented at an APHA annual meeting, especially underrepresented groups, are encouraged to become “new presenters” in 2023.

Continuing Education Credit
APHA values the ability to provide continuing education credit to physicians, nurses and health educators. Please complete all required information when submitting an abstract so members can claim credit for attending your session. These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials. For a session to be eligible for Continuing Education Credit, each presenter, panelist, discussant, and/or faculty must provide:

  • An abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names
  • At least one MEASURABLE outcome (DO NOT USE “To understand” or “To learn” as objectives; they are not measurable). Examples of acceptable measurable action words: Explain, Demonstrate, Analyze, Formulate, Discuss, Compare, Differentiate, Describe, Name, Assess, Evaluate, Identify, Design, Define or List.
  • A signed Conflict of Interest (Disclosure) form with a relevant Qualification Statement. See an example of an acceptable Qualification Statement on the online Disclosure form.

Contact Mighty Fine at if you have any questions concerning continuing education. For program questions, contact the program planner. Thank you for your assistance in making our session credit worthy.

We look forward to your important contribution to CHPPD’s program at the upcoming APHA Annual Meeting!


Program Planner Contact Information:

Kaitlyn Esposito, MPH


Shariece Evans, MA, PhD