CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo
Asian & Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health
Meeting theme: "Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science"
Submission Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2024
The Asian & Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health (APIC), in official relations with the American Public Health Association (APHA), invites abstracts for the 2024 APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition.
We encourage submissions that focus on the annual meeting’s theme, "Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science" as it applies to Asian American and/or Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. Abstract submissions authored by or in collaboration with AAPI community-based partners are highly encouraged.
Although we will consider ALL submissions, the 2024 APIC Scientific Program will highlight work that addresses the annual meeting theme of innovative science, actionable, and evidence-based or promising policies and practices in relation to social connectedness, health equity, racism and discrimination, care coordination for vulnerable populations, and social determinants of health. The following topics are intended to stimulate, rather than to limit, the scope of submissions:
Building Trust in Data Science: Using a Health Equity Lens to Make Data-Driven Decisions
Recognizing the diverse cultures within AAPI populations in research methodologies, public health interventions, and evaluation.
Ethical considerations of data collection, analysis, and use to ensure accuracy and reliability of data.
Community-based participatory research and community collaborative approaches in addressing varied AAPI health topics (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, nutrition, substance use, etc.)
From Mistrust to Collaboration: Paving the Way for Health Equity in AAPI Communities through Policy Reforms and Trust-Building in the Public Health Sector
Building community trust and bidirectional engagement among public health sectors and AAPI community organizations (e.g., local, state, and national government, academia, healthcare providers, health departments, etc.)
Advocating for policies that are informed by the lived experiences, needs, and aspirations of AAPI communities.
Encouraging collaborative policy design ensures that the solutions devised are contextually relevant and effective.
Improving civic involvement, community cohesion, and resilience in connection to AAPI health through historical events and social movements.
Meeting people “where they are at”: Meaningful Community Engagement and Partnership to Advance Health Equity within AAPI Communities
Recognizing and addressing the intersectionality of identities within AAPI communities in health equity efforts (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, socioeconomic, etc.).
Sharing decision-making and championing autonomy through collaborative practices of creating a shared vision and goals among AAPI communities.
Building community resilience and capacity through mutual understanding and trust to efficiently respond to AAPI health-related needs.
Co-creation on the design and implementation of public health initiatives with AAPI communities.
Navigating Public Health Communication: Tackling Misinformation, Bridging the Digital Divide, and Restoring Trust
Addressing and dispelling misinformation about public health and science, particularly through culturally-sensitive media, research, and education.
Facilitating open and inclusive conversations that encourage active participation, sharing, harmony, and understanding within AAPI communities (e.g., community dialogue, story-telling, etc.).
Exploring innovative public health communication strategies to connect AAPI communities to credible and reliable health information and equitable opportunities considering accessibility, language and privacy.
Past, Present, and Future of Public Health: Establishing Trust within AAPI Communities
Understanding historical, sociocultural, interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences of AAPI communities.
Lessons learned and best practices in fostering trust and collaboration with AAPI communities (e.g., trust-based community health initiatives, public health emergency preparedness and response, etc.)
Innovative research, interventions, and collaborations to address the future of public health efforts to establish, regain, or sustain trust within AAPI communities.
Other AAPI Priorities
Programs/initiatives on sustainability in AAPI communities (e.g., food systems, Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid policy, climate change, precision medicine, etc.)
Civic unrest, combating AAPI discrimination, and the impact of mental health.
Population health and trauma-informed practice.
The session topics are preliminary and do not reflect the precise content of the final program. Presenters selected to give oral or poster presentations will be required to register for the APHA Annual Meeting and become an individual member of APHA and APIC. Therefore, individuals should submit an abstract only if they are committed to making the presentations themselves or have a substitute willing to register, attend the meeting, and deliver the presentation.
Abstract guidelines and requirements:
1) Format
Abstracts must be limited to 250 words or less.
Abstracts should be structured to include the following sections: Background/Significance, Objective/Purpose, Methods, Results, and Discussion/Conclusions.
Do not include references or citations in the text of the abstract.
Do not include trade or commercial brand names in the abstract.
2) Submission
Indicate if you wish to present the abstract as an ORAL or POSTER presentation. APHA has general guidelines for each format option. There are limited slots available for oral presentations, so please give the Program Committee as many options as possible.
Do not include your name or contact information in the text portion as this prohibits blind peer review.
3) Continuing Education Credits:
APHA values the ability to provide continuing education credit to physicians, nurses, health educators, veterinarians, and those certified in public health at its annual meeting. Please complete all required information when submitting an abstract so members can claim credit for attending your session. These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials.
For a session to be eligible for Continuing Education Credit, each presenter, panelist, discussant, and/or faculty must provide:
An abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names.
At least one MEASURABLE SINGLE outcome (DO NOT USE “To understand” or “To learn” as objectives, they are not measurable). Examples of Acceptable Measurable Action Words: Explain, Demonstrate, Analyze, Formulate, Discuss, Compare, Differentiate, Describe, Name, Assess, Evaluate, Identify, Design, Define or List.
Contact Mighty Fine at if you have any questions concerning continuing education. For program questions, contact the program planners listed below.
Blind peer review of abstracts by the Program Committee is based on the following selection criteria:
Importance. Abstracts should highlight importance and significance of the public health problem or issue.
Relevance. Abstracts should be relevant to Asian and/or Pacific Islander health.
Innovation. Abstract should highlight innovative and novel topics.
Abstracts should completely describe research/project/concept and provide supporting data where appropriate.
Clarity. Abstracts should be concise, clearly written, and convey the primary goals and/or ideas of the project/program.
APIC Student Abstract Award: The Student Primary Author of the highest scoring student abstract will be recognized with an award during APIC’s annual award ceremony at the 2024 APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition in Minneapolis, MN. To be considered eligible for the 2024 APIC Student Abstract Award, the primary author must be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student at the time of abstract submission. She/he must also note that she/he is a “Student Primary Author” on the abstract. The invitation to present and/or receive the APIC Best Student Abstract Award will be withdrawn should the primary student author be unable to present at the Annual Meeting. To apply, please refer to the abstract submission guidelines at
Those interested in Asian and/or Pacific Islander health are invited to join APIC. Further details on the Caucus can be found at For more information about the 2024 APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition, please visit
Submitting an abstract to APIC implies that you understand the terms of this call for abstracts. Failure to adhere to the above-mentioned instructions may result in your abstract not being considered and could impact future submissions. Furthermore, submitting the abstract implies that you (and/or your co-authors/colleagues) are willing to present at the Annual Meeting and Exposition.