CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo

Latino Caucus

Meeting theme: "Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science"

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Since 1973, The Latino Caucus for Public Health's (LCPH) mission has been to represent and advocate for the health interests of the Latina/o/x community while providing leadership opportunities for students and young professionals to engage in research, policy, and advocacy efforts. As such, the 2024 APHA Annual Meeting Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science celebrates over 50 years of the Latino Caucus' affiliation with the American Public Health Association. Since its establishment in 1973, LCPH members have successfully enacted high-impact public health efforts. These are represented in the accomplishments of past and current members who have sought to advance Latina/o/x health through accurate representation, collaboration, and career development.

Some examples include:

  • In 1973, the Latino Caucus for Public Health was initially created at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting and Expo in San Francisco California, as a response to lack of representation and a failure of the American Public Health Association to include a plenary session for Farmworker advocate Cesar Chavez.
  • In 1974, United Farm Worker union activist Dolores Huerta addressed the APHA plenary session, and the Latino Caucus finalized its name as the Latino Caucus of APHA.
  • In 1985, the Latino Caucus was officially involved in the analyses of the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (Hispanic HANES) through Latino Caucus President Steve Uranga-McKane, while the Analytic Working Group for the Hispanic HANES is chaired by previous Latino Caucus President Henry Montes.
  • In 1991, Dr. Helen Rodriguez-Trias became the first Latina elected as APHA President-Elect.
  • In 1994, with the help of Latino Caucus members, APHA published a report entitled “Latino Health in the US: A Growing Challenge” and established a session on the White House Health Care Reform Task Force.
  • In 2004, the Latino Caucus hosted a national policy teleconference on Reproductive Health Issues for Latinas 
  • In 2005, the Latino Caucus, introduces a late-breaking policy entitled “Addressing the Needs of Immigrants in Response to Natural and Human-Made Disasters in the United States”, and hosts a national policy teleconference on immigration issues.
  • In 2013, the Latino Caucus successfully becomes a tax-exempt corporation, becoming the first and only APHA caucus to do so.
  • In 2019, the Latino Caucus launches its mentorship program, headed by the newly created Latinx Young Professionals (LYP) Committee.
  • In 2020, the LYP committee creates the Sana Sana Podcast, which reflects on and explores lived experiences of Latino public health students and professionals.
  • In 2021, the first Latino Caucus sponsored APHA policy statement in over 15 years; entitled “Preventing Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Immigration Detention” is passed.

To honor the Latino Caucus' impact on the health of Latina/o/x, we invite the submission of abstracts to cover innovative approaches and strategies to enhance trust within the Latina/o/x community, improve overall health outcomes, and promote collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and community members to address health disparities and build a more equitable public health system. The abstracts will be reviewed based on the following topics. 

  • Challenges and Triumphs: Data Disaggregation on Latino Health Research
  • Dismantling Latinx Invisibility: Promoting Health in Our Communities
  • Elevar: Latino Voices in Political Determinants of Health
  • Fostering Trust: Community Engagement and Latino Health Disparities
  • Healthcare Access: Latino Migration and Culturally Tailored Healthcare
  • Innovations in Latino Health: Shaping Tomorrow's Wellness and Equity Landscape
  • Latino Health and Health Disparities: The Impact of Colorism and Colonialism
  • Latinx Health Needs and Chronic Disease
  • Latinx Health and Health Care Access
  • Latinx Mental Health
  • Multiculturalism in Latinos and Building Trust in Public Health
  • The Importance of Social Support Among Latinos: Familia y Comunidad
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Abstracts should be 350 words or less

We encourage new and established scholars and practitioners to submit their abstracts. 

Please note that all abstracts are peer-reviewed and evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Clarity of presentation: statement of problem, life stage, historical context, relevance, methods, results, and conclusions
  • Quality and completeness of reported findings
  • Originality and implications of findings to research, practice, and/or policy
  • We will prioritize abstracts examining Latina/o/x comorbidities and/or holistic health across the life course stages. 
  • A clear presentation of how abstracts build upon historical and scientific knowledge and advances in Latina/o/x health

1) Abstract must be free of trade and/or commercial product names.

2) Abstract must have at least one MEASURABLE objective (DO NOT USE "understand" or "to learn" as objectives as they are not measurable. Examples of acceptable measurable action words include: explaindemonstrateanalyzeformulatediscusscomparedifferentiatedescribenameassessevaluateidentifydesigndefine, or list).

3) You must sign the Conflict of Interest (Disclosure) form with a relevant Qualification Statement. See an example of an acceptable Qualification Statement on the online Disclosure form.

Attention public health students: The Latino Caucus promotes the advancement of students in public health. We strongly encourage students to submit their abstracts and to indicate their student status in the appropriate checkbox to be considered for the Outstanding Student Paper, which we will recognize and present with a cash prize at the Latino Caucus Annual Awards Program.


Program Planner Contact Information:

Jose Perez Ramos,


Kelly Umana,


Mary Mitsdarffer, PhD, MPH