CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2025 Annual Meeting and Expo

American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus

Meeting theme: "Making the Public’s Health a National Priority"

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025

The American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Caucus (est. 1981):

  • Promotes equal opportunity and access for Indigenous peoples of North America and the Hawaiian Islands to health care;
  • Provides a supportive entry into the American Public Health Association (APHA);
  • Disseminates information about major Native health issues and programs;
  • Works with APHA to promote policy beneficial to Native health needs to assure quality care and equal access.

Suggested topic areas pertaining to this year’s theme, are listed below. Abstracts that specifically address, but are not limited to, these topics are encouraged and will be given special consideration:

  • Defining Holistic Health and Wellness Approaches for Our People
    • Programs and research that focus on holistic dimensions of wellness
    • Balance of holistic health, beyond the physical
    • Policies that promote overall health and wellness
    • Research involving traditional medicines or practices and their impact on community health
  • Our People, Our Stories: Justice and Equity in Action
    • Sharing how movements and community promote the health of our people
    • Examples of activism and advocacy in health
    • Examples of moving from data to action
  • Reclaiming Data: Sovereignty and Public Health Programming
    • Creating our own evidence through culturally-based initiatives and research
    • Sharing community- and tribally-driven best practices
    • Best practices for Tribal and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
    • Adding to our knowledge using evidence-based practices
    • Innovative programs that are creating practice-based evidence
    • The intersection of self-determination, tribal sovereignty, research and health
  • Stronger Together: Rebuilding Trust through Collaborations and Coordination
    • Successful examples of multi-sector tribal, state and federal collaborations
    • Sharing innovative and effective models for collaboration and coordination across stakeholder groups
    • Promoting systems change for AIANNH public health
  • Other Topics Addressing American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Peoples
    • Potential areas include: maternal child health, mortality, cancer, suicide, addiction, elder care, traditional healing & medicines, Indigenous food, economics, policy, and youth experiences

Authors whose work reflects these areas should specifically note this in the abstract text and/or in the note to organizers, as they may be given special consideration in the selection process:

  • Community-based
  • Community-led
  • Student-led (undergrad., grad., recent grad. – within 1yr.)
  • Youth-led projects or research
  • Authors with lived experience relevant to the topic
  • Focused on health of American Indian/Alaskan Native men and boys

Note 1:  The AIANNH Caucus Program Planning Committee does not: 1) preview abstracts prior to submission; or 2) provide feedback on submitted abstracts.  Please submit no more than 1-2 abstracts per author as multiple submissions cause issues during the acceptance process. NOTE: Only ONE presenter is allotted per oral session.

Note 2:  The AIANNH Caucus may collaborate with other APHA entities.  


Abstracts MUST be submitted through the APHA website. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, and must follow the general APHA guidelines for submission.

Submissions that do not comply will not be reviewed.

NOTE: If an abstract is accepted, ALL presenters must be individual members of APHA and AIANNH Caucus in order to present, and must register for the annual meeting; however, memberships are not required at the time of abstract submission. Abstracts cannot be presented or published in any journal prior to the APHA Meeting. More information about AIANNH Caucus membership can be found at our website.

For program questions, contact the program planner listed below.

Visit the following websites to stay up to date on AIANNH Caucus programming and opportunities:

AIANNH Caucus:

Like us on Facebook:


Program Planner Contact Information:

Nicole Lee Ellison,


Roselle Martin,