CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2025 Annual Meeting and Expo

Chiropractic Health Care

Meeting theme: "Making the Public’s Health a National Priority"

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025

APHA's Chiropractic Health Care (CHC) section invites abstract submissions for public health research, especially in musculoskeletal health. The section encourages abstracts that feature varying perspectives. The CHC recognizes the important contributions of rising professionals in our field and seeks submissions from students and junior scholars.

The CHC will consider submissions of original empirical work (e.g. scientific studies, program evaluations, or organizational case studies), noteworthy advances in methodology or analysis, innovative integrative scholarship and scientific work, programmatic reports of significant research infrastructure development, programmatic reports of health professions curricular development or educational research, substantive policy analyses (e.g. systems-wide assessments or policy case-studies), informative reports on program or project management and development, and other similarly noteworthy, innovative, or informative reports and studies.

The highest quality scientific submissions will be selected. Topics related to this year's theme and in all areas related to musculoskeletal health will be considered. When submitting an abstract, please identify it as falling into one of the following categories:

Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the APHA website. Please review APHA's guidelines to ensure your abstract meets all requirements before submitting. The structured abstract is limited to 250 words. The abstract should consist of 4 paragraphs, labeled: Objectives, Methods (include relevant information such as design, subjects/population, setting, statistical methods, etc), Results, and Conclusions.


Program Planner Contact Information:

Cynthia Chapman, DC