The Epidemiology Section invites abstract submissions and Special Session proposals to present results of scientific research and programs related to epidemiology during the 2025 APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition from November 2-5 in Washington, D.C.
Individuals should submit material only if they, or a designee, are committed to registering for the conference and presenting their paper or poster in person. Scientific program presenters are responsible for the costs of registration, housing, and travel to the Annual Meeting, which can be substantial. Please register and secure housing early (e.g., June) to help minimize these costs.
Please choose a topic area that most closely aligns with the work described in your abstract.
Abstract text must be limited to 250 words. Abstracts must include the following elements (please include these section headings in your abstract text):
Please review the following sample of resources for assistance with writing your abstract:
Abstracts relating to data that have not yet been collected and/or analyzed as of the abstract deadline will be rejected.
When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to identify which type of presentation format you prefer: Oral, poster or no preference. Oral presentations are generally 10-12 minutes in length. An additional 3-5 minutes will be available for discussion and questions from the audience. Presenters at poster sessions display their work alongside other posters and should be available to answer questions throughout the scheduled 60-minute session. The program committee reserves the right to make all final decisions in designating abstracts as oral or poster presentations.
APHA values the ability to provide continuing education credit at its annual meeting to those certified in public health as well as physicians, nurses, health educators, and social workers.
These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials.
When submitting your abstract or Special Session proposals, please complete all required information needed for your presentation to be considered for Continuing Education credit. This information includes:
Abstracts without a measurable outcome or conflict of interest listed for the session will be returned to the author for completion or may be rejected.
Please contact Mighty Fine at if you have any questions concerning continuing education credit. Please contact the program planners for all other questions.
The Epidemiology Section invites the submission of preliminary proposals for Special Sessions (i.e., sessions with invited speakers) that will highlight important topics in Epidemiology research and practice, especially those related to the meeting theme.
If you are interested in organizing a Special Session, please submit a brief description of the proposed session to by 11:59 pm (PST) on Friday, March 28, 2025 for pre-review and approval. This short proposal (no more than two pages in length) should include:
Please do NOT submit individual abstracts for these Special Session presentations through the main APHA abstract submission site.
Notification of status of preliminary proposals will be sent via email to the Special Session key contact (organizer) by Friday, April 11, 2025. If your preliminary proposal is approved, this email also will include instructions for submission of a full Special Session proposal.
All students who submit an abstract for possible presentation at the annual meeting in the Epidemiology Section scientific program are eligible to apply for an Epidemiology Student Abstract Award. Winners will have their meeting registration paid for by the Epidemiology Section and will receive a commendation during the Section Awards session. Student Abstract Award winners also will present their work in an oral session.
To be considered for the Student Abstract Award you must:
Award winners will be notified during summer 2025 and will be required to present their work in-person at the APHA meeting in November 2025.
For more information, please contact
Siobhan Maty, PhD, MPH, CPH
Kesha Baptiste-Roberts, PhD, MPH