We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting submissions for our annual Public Health Film Festival to be held during APHA’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. from Nov. 2 – 5, 2025. The Film Festival highlights public health locally, nationally, and globally. We welcome all types of submissions including independent, community-created, and youth-created films. Films can be animations, documentaries, narratives, and educational videos. All should demonstrate, educate, inspire, and encourage a change for a healthier future.
Submission Types:
APHA's Film Festival will screen a mix of panel, online, and brown bag films during the Annual Meeting. All submissions are peer-reviewed and scored before selection. Submitters may choose between Panel Film sessions and Online sessions. Films that score highly in the Panel or Online sessions may also qualify for screening during Brown bag lunch sessions. Please carefully review the different submission types outlined below.
Panel film sessions are held onsite during the annual meeting. Filmmakers are part of a live panel of filmmakers where you will screen your film (up to 20 minutes) and discuss your film and other related films included in the panel. If accepted, a film team member must pay for registration and attend in person to present the film and participate in the session (no virtual attendance is possible). No compensation is provided for showing your film, and APHA will not pay for registration, lodging, or travel. All films shown during the Panel Film session will be available for viewing on-demand after the meeting until December 31, 2025. Films submitted to the Panel Film sessions that scored highly but could not be included in this format will be shown during the Brown Bag Lunch session (see below for more information about this format). If screened in the Brown Bag Lunch session, personal attendance is not required, but a $150 registration fee per film is required.
Online films are available online, on-demand only. Films accepted for online viewing will become available through the Online platform beginning Saturday, Nov. 1, and will remain available for registered attendees until December 31. The highest scoring films will also be shown onsite during the lunch hour on Monday, Nov. 3 and Tuesday, Nov. 4 (see “Brown Bag Lunch session” information below). APHA membership is not required, and you do not have to attend the Annual Meeting in person. However, if your film is accepted, you will be required to pay a $150 registration fee per film to have your film shown online. If you are planning to attend in person, this fee will be waived and the regular regstration fee will apply.
Brown Bag Lunch sessions are held onsite during lunch hours on Monday, Nov. 3 and Tuesday, Nov. 4. You cannot directly submit to this submission type. Films that scored highly in the Panel or Online sessions will be shown during the brown bag sessions. You can indicate the submission process whether you would like your film to be considered for screening in the Brown Bag session. There will be no presentation time for films shown during Brown Bag sessions, but we invite film contributors to be in attendance to answer questions during an open Q&A time. If your film is accepted, you will be required to pay a $150 registration fee to have your film shown. If you are planning to attend the Annual Meeting, this fee will be waived and regular registration fees will apply.
Film Topics
While films from all disciplines of public health will be considered, films related to the APHA 2025 theme, " Making Public Health a National Priority " are highly encouraged. We especially encourage submissions related to one of the film topics below.
Film Topics:
Submissions must include:
Kerstin Hundal, MA
Osman Galindo,
Mueenah Anibaba, MPH
Tammy Kremer,
Steven Passmore, DC, MS, PhD
Kelsey Witmeier, MPH
Amitha Halthore, BA, BS