Abstracts may be submitted for oral, poster, or roundtable sessions and should contain 350 words or less. Submission of an abstract to the HIV/AIDS section is an expression of the presenting author's intention to attend the Annual Meeting in-person and presenting the work should it be accepted. The following general topics are areas of interest for the 2025 program:
All abstracts are subject to masked peer review by at least three reviewers. Please remove any references to a specific institution in the body of the abstract to permit masked review and ensure fairness. By submitting an abstract proposal, the author(s) agree that, if accepted, the paper will be presented as scheduled.
Structured Abstract Format: Abstracts should be submitted in a structured format. Please use one of the following two formats:
An alternative format, suited for abstracts about policy, programs, interventions, and other types of research evaluations, may be used:
All abstracts must comply with Continuing Education Credit requirements to be considered.
Continuing Education Credit: APHA values the ability to provide Continuing Education Credit to physicians, nurses, health educators, and those certified in public health at its annual meeting. Please complete all required information when submitting an abstract so members can claim credit for attending your session. These credits are necessary for members to keep their licenses and credentials. For a session to be eligible for Continuing Education Credit, each presenter, panelist, and discussant must provide:
1) An abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names
2) At least one MEASURABLE SINGLE outcome (Please note: (i) "to understand" or "to learn" are not measurable outcomes; and (ii) compound outcomes are not acceptable). Use only the following Measurable Action Verbs:
3) A signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure form with a relevant qualification statement
4) All continuing education learning content must be of sound scientific or professional practice and serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills and professional competence of the health professional. Learning content should be evidence-based if available. A list of over 30 areas will be provided online for you to choose from. You will be asked to choose at least one or up to 6 areas that your presentation will address.
Review Criteria: Standardized criteria will be used to evaluate all abstract submissions. These criteria include: (1) adherence to specified format as indicated under structured abstract format, (2) innovation and relevance, (3) rigor and appropriateness of methods and approaches, (4) contribution to science and/or practice, and (5) results/lessons learned. Note that incomplete abstracts will not be judged.
Final Program: The final program will be based on peer-reviewer evaluations of the abstract proposals with consideration for available time and space, the program theme, diversity of topics, and any speakers invited by the HIV/AIDS Section leadership to participate in the 2025 program.
Only listed authors who are both APHA members and registered for the Annual Meeting may present accepted work. Neither APHA nor the HIV/AIDS Section provides any financial support for author attendance at the Annual Meeting.
Student Presentations: Presentations by students are encouraged. Although completed research studies are preferred, students may submit work-in-progress for consideration.
All questions about submissions other than about Full Session proposals, should be directed to Dr. Jennifer Kibicho at kibicho@uwm.edu, Dr. Precious Patrick Edet at pedet@olemiss.edu, Dr. Chadwick Campbell at ckc003@health.ucsd.edu, and Ms. Danielle Campbell at ms.danielle.campbell@gmail.com.
Instructions for Full Session Proposals: Submissions of Proposals for Full Sessions (90 minutes in length) may be submitted. In addition to the electronic online submission of an individual abstract for EACH of the 3-4 papers to be included in a Session, a one-page overview of the proposed Session MUST be submitted directly to the program planners via electronic mail to Dr. Jennifer Kibicho at kibicho@uwm.edu, Dr. Precious Patrick Edet at pedet@olemiss.edu, Dr. Chadwick Campbell at ckc003@health.ucsd.edu, and Ms. Danielle Campbell at ms.danielle.campbell@gmail.com.
Overall session title;
Please note that each individual abstract to be included in a Session must be submitted through the APHA electronic abstract submission process. In the "Comments to Organizers" box for each abstract submission, the authors should indicate that the abstract is to be considered as part of the Proposed Session (indicated by Session title).
All abstracts are reviewed on their individual merit, and the acceptance of a panel submission is not a guarantee that all abstracts submitted for that session will be accepted or that they will all be scheduled together. Unless instructed otherwise, the HIV/AIDS Section Program Committee will consider the individual abstracts from any rejected Full Session for possible presentation in Abstract sessions. Therefore, an abstract submitted as part of a Full Session should not also be submitted as an individual contributed abstract to any other section, interest group or caucus.
Jennifer Kibicho, PhD, CPA(Kenya), DTM
Precious Patrick Edet, MD, DrPH, MPH
Chadwick Campbell, PhD, MPH
Danielle Campbell,