The American Public Health Association is now accepting full session abstracts for Public Health Funder Network sessions to be held during the APHA 2025 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC (Sunday, November 2nd through Wednesday, November 5, 2025). Abstracts will be accepted through the APHA online system from Monday, January 6 through Friday, March 28, 2025 11:59 PM PDT. Submitters will be notified via email of abstract status on June 3.
NOTE: All presenters and moderators must register (and pay) for the APHA Annual Meeting. One day registrations are available.
The Public Health Funder Network is a community of grantmakers, donors, and APHA members who recognize that philanthropy has an important role in the improvement of population health outcomes and overall community health. The goal of the PHFN is to promote a cross-sector approach to solving complex public health challenges by convening, networking, and sharing best practices, with a special focus on philanthropy as a catalyst to drive change through innovative strategies and solutions in partnership with local communities.
All foundations and donors that fund in public health* are encouraged to submit full session abstracts for peer review. The 2025 meeting theme is "Making the Public's Health a National Priority" and submitters are encouraged to incorporate the theme in the sessions that they submit. Additionally, funders from the conference host city and/or state are invited to submit at least one session abstract, during which they can highlight their work before a national audience. Submitters will be notified of session selection on June 3, 2025.
* Note: Public health refers to all organized measures (public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a whole. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focus on entire populations, not on individual patients or diseases.
Specific topics of interest to the Public Health Funder Network include but are not limited to:
See examples of session abstracts selected for presentation at APHA 2024:
In addition, PHFN held a Business Meeting and a Network Social Hour. Funders that wish to financially support either event in 2025 should contact PHFN Leaders (emails at the end of this document).
Please be aware that this is a Call for Full Session Abstracts rather than a call for individual speaker abstracts. Session abstracts typically include multiple projects or multiple presenters from the same project. The strongest sessions include multiple funders or projects from multiple cities (versus highlighting the work of a single funder or foundation). Details on all presenters for the session, their professional affiliations, and their role within the session must be provided in the full session abstract. Sessions must also identify a moderator.
PRO TIP: It is easiest if the session description lists out what each presenter will be talking about, and for that same description (that lists each presenter's focus) gets used by each presenter for their abstract when they submit.
PHFN sessions are 90 minutes in length, theme-related, and should be created to appeal to a large cross-section of APHA meeting participants. PHFN also encourages sessions that are co-sponsored by other APHA Sections and/or that demonstrate ways in which public health funders engage across public health issues.
Please include ALL submission information in advance of the March 28, 2025 deadline.
Session submitter responsibilities include:
APHA requires that the session organizer, presenters, and moderators join or renew APHA membership and register for the Annual Meeting.
Session Format
Please indicate in your abstract the type of format for your session. Options include:
We encourage creativity in designing and formatting your session. For example, a group discussion might be facilitated within the panel discussion format, where panelists frame an issue or offer opening views and a moderator poses questions to stimulate an open, thought-provoking discussion. Or a panel discussion might take an interview or talk show design, where a moderator poses a series of questions to panelists. Use of videos might also be considered, for example, to have a grantee's perspective represented at a roundtable.
Selection and Review Criteria
The PHFN Program Committee oversees the planning, implementation and evaluation of all session abstracts submitted within this track. The Program Committee will select the proposed session using the criteria listed below:
Program Committee members recuse themselves from reviewing abstracts where they may have a professional or personal affiliation to avoid any conflict of interest.
Continuing Education Credit
As an organization, APHA is committed to providing quality continuing education (CE) activities to its membership and meeting registrants. For a session to be eligible for CE, a session abstract must include 3-5 speaker abstracts where each includes:
For other questions, please contact PHFN leaders listed below.
Irfan Hasan, MPA
Richard Thomason,
Rachel Baird,
Victoria Umstattd Cope,