273014 A credentialed public health workforce will keep the profession and public healthy

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 : 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Richard Clover, MD , School of Public Health & Information Sciences and NBPHE, University of Kentucky, Louisville, KY
The NBPHE offers the Certified Public Health credential as the world's first and only voluntary core credential for public health professionals. Credentialing as a strategy advances the mission of public health and responds to call to professionalize the field, specifically calls from the Institute of Medicine.

The strategy can affect the training of public health professionalism through feedback to academic institutions, as well as the currency of the workforce through a maintenance of certification program. It provides accountability to communities that essential services are provided by qualified practitioners. The CPH is an assurance to employers that hires are well prepared and informed by evidence.

Learning Areas:
Ethics, professional and legal requirements
Other professions or practice related to public health
Public health or related education
Public health or related laws, regulations, standards, or guidelines

Learning Objectives:
1. Compare the CPH credential's role in advancing the public health field to their role of other national standards for health professionals.

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have serve on the NBPHE, the 501c6 responsible for the certified in public health credential, since 2008. Currently I am the chair of the NBPHE and as such lead the executive committee and chair the development committee.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.