The IMCI approach has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to manage the treatment and prevention of five of the most common causes of childhood illnesses, specifically acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, malaria, measles, and malnutrition. This strategy emphasizes a broad child centered approach rather than focusing on a child�s single disease or condition. Its aim is to reduce death and the frequency and severity of illness and disability and contribute to improved growth and development for children under five years of age.
Globally, over 35 countries have begun startup and or implementation activities and many more have expressed interest in the IMCI strategy. Critical to any national effort to address infant and child mortality and morbidity are good local estimates of the cost of implementing such a plan. Only accurate estimates of local costs will ensure that the plan is both feasible and self-sustaining.
In early 1999 an interagency group consisting of individuals from World Health Organization (WHO), US Agency for International Development (USAID), UNICEF, World Bank, and USAID�s Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR) and BASICS II Projects determined that a costing tool was essential to assist countries estimate costs of IMCI. The working group has developed a series of costing modules for health officials and program planners that will estimate the cost of implementing and expanding IMCI in their country. These spreadsheets address the startup, expansion and operational phases of implementing IMCI.
Learning Objectives: 1) Participates will be able identify specific cost components of IMCI in the startup, expansion and operational phases. 2)Participates will be able to understand the delivery system of IMCI
Keywords: Child Health, Cost Issues
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: World Health Organization, World Bank, USAID, Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), BASICS II Project and UNICEF
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.