Today, approximately one in three youth of high-school age use tobacco products. Depending on intensity of use, as many as 80% of young smokers say that it is �really hard to quit� (MMWR 43, 1994). One 1998 survey found that 60% of established 12th grade smokers had made at least one attempt to quit in the previous year; very few were able to maintain cessation (Burt and Peterson, 1998).
This presentation will review the characteristics of national data sets that contribute to what is known about youth smoking and cessation. A composite picture of youth smoking and cessation, based on current data, will be presented. Data describing adult cessation will be compared and contrasted with what is known about youth cessation. Gaps in our current knowledge �- which include valid measures of youth tobacco use and dependence, standard outcome measures for youth cessation, models and predictors of readiness for cessation, and needs and preferences of youth for cessation interventions �- will be identified. Finally, research needed to fill those gaps and plans for research in this area will be outlined.
Learning Objectives: Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. locate and cite relevant data on youth tobacco-use and cessation 2. characterize national data sets on youth tobacco-use behaviors 3. discern the need for surveillance data focusing on youth tobacco-use cessation
Keywords: Surveillance, Tobacco
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.