4214.0: Tuesday, November 14, 2000: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

Community Interest and Private Need in Public Mental Healthcare

The definitions of appropriate services and appropriate limits to service in public sector mental healthcare are shaped by a variety of influences other than clinicians and consumers. Legislators, particularly at the state level, the criminal justice and legal systems, and grassroots advocacy all play a significant and, occasionally, decisive roles. However, the justification for these definitions may have little to do with traditional concerns of clinicians and consumers. This symposium provides a forum for the perspectives of Republican and Democratic legislators in the health arena, and other representatives of the influences that shape public funding in the mental health field. Specifically, the attendees are asked to justify: (1) the minimum acceptable level of public funding for mental healthcare, in terms of services and recipients of service, and (2) the types and services and clients that are not appropriately addressed by public funding
Learning Objectives:
Facilitator(s):Richard Beinecke, PhD
Panelist(s):Mel Segal, MSW
Carl Fulwiler, MD
Stan Goldman
Timothy O'Leary
Tarren R. Bragdon
Organizer(s):Michael J Stoil, PhD
Sponsor:Mental Health
Cosponsors:Community Health Planning and Policy Development; Labor Caucus; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus of Public Health Workers

The 128th Annual Meeting of APHA