3087.0: Monday, November 13, 2000: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

Integration of Healthy People 2010 into Academic Curriculum

Graduate health sciences programs are engaged in new efforts to educate the next generations of public health professionals, dentists, and doctors, about Healthy People 2010 and its prevention objectives. This panel will highlight new endeavors of of graduate health sciences education programs to integrate Healthy People 2010 into their course work. Background:Healthy People – the national initiative to improve the health of people living in the United States – has been the prevention agenda for the nation for the past twenty years. Healthy People 2010 translates prevention research into an agenda for action. Its creators have examined existing scientific knowledge and used this information to address major health threats. Healthy People 2010, released in January 2000, reflects our nation's prevention agenda for the first decade of the next century. Updated every ten years, Healthy People identifies the most significant preventable threats to health and helps focus public and private sector efforts to address them. Used by many as a framework for monitoring and reporting health status, health risks, and use of clinical preventive services, Healthy People 2010 marks the third decade of this national health promotion initiative. With 28 focus areas and over 450 specific objectives, Healthy People 2010 is the most comprehensive plan to date
Learning Objectives:
Facilitator(s):Randy F. Wykoff, MD, MPH,&TM
Panelist(s):Deborah Dandoff, MD
Travis Harker
Sarena D. Seifer
Organizer(s):Emmeline Ochiai, JD, MPH
Sponsor:APHA-Innovations Project

The 128th Annual Meeting of APHA