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The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA |
Tuan Anh Thi Nguyen, MD, MPH, Deartment of MCH/FP, the Ministry of Health, Vietnam, The Minstry of Health, 138 A Giang Vo, Hanoi, Vietnam, (84)4-8231040, tuananh5@yahoo.com
Safe motherhood must take into account the demographics, social changes, and services women need. Vietnam has an adolescent and young adult population of around 30%. With many changes in the state of adolescent reproductive health and society, premarital sex is common and rising while most adolescents have poor knowledge about contraception. This paper is a review of 27 research reports and articles conducted during the period from 1995 to 2001, with the aim to provide understanding of the adolescent reproductive health situation in Vietnam. This background is essential to create effective programs and policies to promote safe motherhood for all women who reach their childbearing years. Adolescents are lacking knowledge on reproductive health; when a woman can become pregnant; and contraceptives. Most adolescents have heard about HIV/AIDS while very few adolescents have heard about other STDs. Furthermore, their knowledge is usually superficial. Most adolescents live in rural areas, and have very poor understanding about how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and STDs. The rate of adolescents using reproductive health service is very low. Adolescents do not know much about what healthcare services are available; and the healthcare providers do not know enough about how to reach adolescents effectively. These facts are contributing to an alarming abortion situation among adolescents. The STDs/HIV infection rate among adolescents has been increasing annually. There are many challenges for health care providers and researchers to solve these problems. These include lack of knowledge among rural youth, longer premarital reproductive time, difficulties in delivering sexual education and communication program, and access to effective reproductive health services.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Adolescents, International, Safe Mother Program
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.