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The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA |
L. Arthur Campfield, PhD and Francoise J. Smith, MS. Food Science & Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, 502 West Lake St, Fort Collins, CO 80525, 970-491-3482, campfield@cahs.colostate.edu
The goal of this integrated enrichment program is to reduce the rate of childhood and adolescent obesity. The program provides interactive, fun, and challenging educational enrichment in science and math using examples and exercises from food, nutrition, healthy eating, physical activity and the biology of body weight (including hunger) and seeks to teach and reinforce good health behavior choices and prevent obesity. A 39-week program of classroom (K-6) activities and science museum-based events is in progress in two second and one first grade classes at Putnam Elementary School (approx 100 students). This school is approximately 50% Hispanic American with 70% eligible for the school lunch program and has unmet educational needs in the areas of science/health. Another school serves as the control. Classroom activities (60 min) and participatory physical activity (30 min) are delivered on Fridays in each of the three classes. Informed consent and baseline and year-end assessments were obtained: BMI, waist circumference, science (nutrition, exercise) knowledge, attitudes and physical activity (by pedometer). Each week a team of biomedical scientists, graduate and undergraduate students in nutrition and exercise science delivered the program. Lessons have included: nutrition games, growing plants, sugar investigation, diversity, and balance. Classroom visits by a chef, nurse, and cultural anthropologist have occurred. A field trip allowed the active exploration of interactive exhibits at the Hall of Life in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Initial results of this school-based intervention on health knowledge, attitudes and behavior will be presented and discussed.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Obesity, School-Based Programs
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.