Session: Martha May Eliot Forum: Youth Violence Prevention: Science, Practice and Advocacy
4218.0: Tuesday, November 18, 2003: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Martha May Eliot Forum: Youth Violence Prevention: Science, Practice and Advocacy
The Martha May Eliot Forum is a longstanding Maternal and Child Health session. This year, it will focus on violence prevention as a priority and concern for youth and will highlight San Francisco Bay area programs and strategies. The session will discuss a model for dealing with the complexity of violence through a comprehensive approach (Larry Cohen) and will describe research, practice, and advocacy and the interplay between them. Mayor Anna Caballero of Salinas will describe their community wide cultivating peace approach. Dr. Howard Pinderhughes, will delineate how strategies can be based on youth input and perspectives and Donna Garske will describe how youth can focus son the vital goal of ending gender violence.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organizer(s):Howard Spivak, MD
Larry Cohen, MSW
Carol C. Korenbrot, PhD
Presider(s):Howard Spivak, MD
2:30 PMConceptual Framework of Teen Violence Prevention
Larry Cohen, MSW
2:50 PMTeen Violence Prevention - Framework and Research
Howard Pinderhughes, PhD
3:10 PMCultivating Peace in Salinas: A Framework for Violence Prevention
Anna Caballero
3:30 PM5. Building a Youth Based Movement to End Gender Violence: Practice, Lessons & Challenges
Donna Garske, MPA
Organized by:Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by:Injury Control and Emergency Health Services; Peace Caucus; School Health Education and Services
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA