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Jeanette D. Guyton-Krishnan, PhD, MS, Michael B. Ahmadi, MPH, CHES, Robinson Fulwood, PhD, MSPH, and Gregory J. Morosco, PhD, MPH. Office of Prevention, Education, and Control, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, 31 Center Drive, MSC 2480,Building 31, Room 4A-10, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301.496.1051, guytonj@nhlbi.nih.gov
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has funded twelve cardiovascular disease (CVD) Enhanced Dissemination and Utilization Centers (EDUCs)to conduct performance-based education projects to prevent and control CVD and promote heart-healthy behavior in high-risk communities. Six were funded in 2001 (Phase I), and an additional six in 2002 (Phase II). NHLBI intends to make the EDUCs the foundation of a network of performance partners that will use NHLBI's science-based information to inform their communities of the public health burden of CVD and develop and implement focused educational strategies to reduce this burden through changes in health care provider practice, patient behavior, and general public behavior. Although they serve geographically and ethnically diverse populations, these Centers all use common, research-based health education strategies to improve their communities. These include influencing health care provider practices by working with physicians, residents, and medical students to increase awareness of the latest NHLBI clinical guidelines to improve patient care and outcomes related to controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and reducing overweight/obesity; educating patients on CVD risk reduction through clinical case management; working with elementary & middle-school students and their families to screen for CVD risk factors and implement healthy lifestyle changes through education and physical activity; recruiting and training community health workers to empower their communities by providing community-based education and skill-building activities related to nutrition and physical activity; conducting community-based CVD risk factor screenings, referral, and follow-up; and stimulating partnerships for sustainability.
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