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Session: The Future Research Agenda for Maternal and Child Health
5123.0: Wednesday, November 10, 2004: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
The Future Research Agenda for Maternal and Child Health
This session will examine trends in research in maternal and child health research with a discussion of where such trends may lead in the future. Leading researchers in Women's Health, Perinatal Health, Child Health, Children with Special Health Care Needs and Adolescent Health will focus on three issues: (1) What are the major data sets and sources now and likely to be in the future in each of their respective areas? (2) What are the current key issues and challenges facing researchers in each area? (3) What are the future questions that will likely arise for researchers on each topic? A discussant will summarize their comments and consider potential linkages between topic areas. The session will conclude with an open discussion on the future of MCH research.
Learning Objectives: Those attending will be able to: (1) Identify the major data sets and sources now used in MCH by topic area and what likely sources will be available in the future. (2) Describe the current key issues facing researchers in important topic areas in MCH (3) Describe the future questions that will likely arise in MCH research.
Organizer(s):Joan Kennelly, MPH
Eugene Declercq, MBA, PhD
Discussant(s):Milton Kotelchuck
Moderator(s):Stella M. Yu, ScD, MPH
12:30 PMWelcoming Remarks
12:35 PMFuture research agenda for perinatal health  [ Recorded presentation ]
Michael C. Lu, MD, MPH
12:47 PMFuture Research Agenda for Children’s Health  [ Recorded presentation ]
Bernard Guyer, MD, MPH
12:59 PMAdolescent Health: Promising Directions for the 21st Century
Claire Brindis, DrPH
1:11 PMDefining A Women’s Health Research Agenda  [ Recorded presentation ]
Stacie Geller, PhD, Trude Bennett, DrPH
1:23 PMFuture Research Agenda in Children with Special Health Care Needs  [ Recorded presentation ]
Deborah Allen, ScD
1:35 PMDiscussion
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by:Health Administration; Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health; School Health Education and Services; Social Work
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA