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Session: Health Communication Strategies to Prevent Obesity and Chronic Diseases
4138.0: Tuesday, November 9, 2004: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
Health Communication Strategies to Prevent Obesity and Chronic Diseases
Health promotion and disease prevention strategies require multi-faceted approaches that include health communications related to nutrition and physical activity. The purpose of this session is to present a variety of health communication approaches to address nutrition education, promote dietary change and physical activity. Examples of approaches will be discussed.
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify 3 health communication tools for nutrition education. 2. Describe 2 interactive health communications strategies for nutrition knowledge and dietary change.
Moderator(s):Barbara Polhamus, PhD, MPH, RD
12:30 PMAn interactive multimedia nutrition education resource for elementary school students  [ Recorded presentation ]
Armando Valdez, PhD
12:45 PMInteractive health communication strategies to promote dietary change for cancer prevention and control
Marci Campbell, PhD, Marlyn Allicock-Hudson, MPH, Carol Carr, MA, Kelly Webber, BA, Brenda DeVellis, PhD, Ahinee Amamoo, MPH, Robert Sandler, MD, MPH
1:00 PMMeasuring environmental change to promote nutrition and physical activity: Creating an innovative website for disseminating evaluation tools  [ Recorded presentation ]
Sharon B. Sugerman, MS, RD, FADA, Sara Cook, MPH, CHES, Diana L. Cassady, DrPH, Jennifer Culp, MPH, RD, Susan B. Foerster, MPH, RD
1:15 PMEvaluating Large-Scale Nutrition Network Social Marketing Campaigns--Victories and Challenges  [ Recorded presentation ]
Susan B. Foerster, MPH, RD, Leslie Beckstrom, MS, RD, Joyce M Counihan, MS, Dorrie Lisle, Doris Montgomery, RD, MS, Sharon Sass, RD, Sharon B. Sugerman, MS, RD, FADA
1:30 PMImpact evaluation of Kidnetic.com: A childhood overweight prevention web site  [ Recorded presentation ]
Laura W. Hatch, MPH, CHES, Richard Elder, MBA, Elizabeth P. Davenport, MPH, RD, Susan Borra, RD, Alison Esser
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Food and Nutrition
Endorsed by:Community Health Planning and Policy Development; Health Administration; Public Health Education and Health Promotion; School Health Education and Services; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Nutrition

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA