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133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition December 10-14, 2005 Philadelphia, PA |
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Pamela C. F. Lynam, MD, East Africa Regional Office, JHPIEGO, Johns Hopkins University, c/o JHPIEGO, PO Box 58047, Nairobi, 00200, Kenya, 254-20-375-1882, plynam@jhpiego.net, Kenneth Chebet, MD, HIV-AIDS advisor, CRHCS, PO Box 1009, Arusha, Tanzania, Solomon Marsden, Ministry of Health, Division of Reproductive Health, PO Box 43319, Nairobi, Kenya, Nancy Koskei, East Africa Regional Office, JHPIEGO, PO Box 58247, Nairobi, Kenya, and Margaret Gitau, NASCOP, PO Box 19361, Kenyatta Grounds, Nairobi, Kenya.
Objectives: Participants will be able to: 1) Describe the FP/VCT intervention 2) Analyze results of intervention 3) incorporate lessons learned into own FP/VCT efforts.
Methods: Adapting successful approaches used for dissemination of RH updates in Kenya, VCT counselors were oriented to FP methods, and to distribution of condoms and pills. For more long term and permanent methods, referral mechanisms were developed.
The materials and approach were vigorously pretested over eighteen months.
An interactive and lively presentation approach was used, along with simple, need-to-know materials presented in a user-friendly format; followed by supportive supervision, with participants being given additional assistance, questions answered, and additional materials provided.
Results: VCT providers, their supervisors, and clients were interviewed.
· 92.9% of VCT clients were given information on FP in target sites after the training · 86.4% of the clients received condoms. (Figures not available, but surprisingly few VCT clients received condoms before this training.) · 9.1% received OCs, and at a second follow-up, 12.9% · VCT target sites recorded substantially increased condom distribution numbers · 95% VCT counselors oriented at least one colleague · 90.5% of VCT counselors found the orientation package useful · 80% of VCT counselors were providing FP after 1st Support Supervision (SS) and 85.7% in 2nd SS · 30.8% of VCT clients requesting long term or permanent methods were referred to nearby clinics at 1st SS and 35.7% at 2nd SS
Recommendations: This program should be scaled-up nationally, and regionally. Additionally, FP orientations should be included in future VCT trainings.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I wish to disclose that I have NO financial interests or other relationship with the manufactures of commercial products, suppliers of commercial services or commercial supporters.
The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA