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133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition December 10-14, 2005 Philadelphia, PA |
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Derek R. Holcomb, PhD1, Vickie L. Sanchez, PhD1, and David True, MA2. (1) Department of Health Promotion and Administration, Eastern Kentucky University, 521 Lancaster Avenue, 420 Begley Building, Richmond, KY 40475, 859-626-5109, vickie.sanchez@eku.edu, (2) Health Promotion & Administartion, Eastern Kentucky University, 521 Lancaster Ave., Richmond, KY 40475
During the spring of 2004, 1400 undergraduate students from a large southeastern university were randomly selected and mailed a health-behavior survey. Of the 728 students who returned the survey (response rate: 52%), 505 (69.4%) were female. The primary purpose was to examine single (78.7) and married (21.2%) college students experience with intimate partner violence (IPV). Single female students reported significantly more abuse during the past year than males on four of the nine items studied. For example, 22.6% of single females reported experiencing verbal abuse feeling personally threatened by their partner compared to 9.3% of single males (p<.05). Single females also reported more emotional abuse (28.9% vs 15.3%), forced sexual intercourse ( 5.1% vs 0.0%), and more sexual abuse other than intercourse by their partner (2.6% vs 0.0%) than single male students. Married females reported significantly more emotional abuse from their partner than married male students (22.6% vs 0.0). However, none of the remaining 8 abuse items showed significant differences between married females and males. Examination of all students experience with violence from some other person showed that males reported significantly more abuse than females on eight of the nine abuse items. For example, more males reported to have been threatened with a weapon (14.4% vs 4.9%) and to have been physically abused with a weapon (5.3% vs 1.5%) during the past year than female students.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Violence, College Students
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I wish to disclose that I have NO financial interests or other relationship with the manufactures of commercial products, suppliers of commercial services or commercial supporters.
The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA