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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
Session: Perspectives on Tertiary Care
4269.0: Tuesday, December 13, 2005: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Perspectives on Tertiary Care
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Board 1Changing health care providers' behaviour for injection safety in Zambia: Overcoming resistance
Answell Chipukuma, Higher Diploma, Richard S. Hughes, MA, Michael N. Favin, MA, MPH, Christopher Mazimba, Mmed(ob/gyn), Martha Ndhlovu, Matildah Matipa Zyambo, mcips
Board 2Burnout levels and emotional impact of the job in a hospital network,Turkey
Hediye Seval Akg�n, Professor, Is�L. Irem Budakoglu, Specialist, Ozgur Erdem, MD, G.�ng�R. Yesildag, MD
Board 3Nurses� Stress : Characteristics, Determinants and its Relationship with mental health in China
Ran Zhao, MD, Xiaoyi Fang, PhD
Board 4Using patient encounter data to inform local health care decisions in Yemen
Dr. Hadi Al Hamzi, MMedSc, Mark S. Landry, MS
Board 5An innovative model for capacity development to implement and expand effective pediatric emergency care
Elizabeth Molyneux, FRCPCH, Ajib Phiri, MD, Anna Gregory, MRCPCH, Stephen Kinoti, MD, Mary Drake, RN, MPH, Mandy Rose, MBBS, MPH, MRCP
Board 6Hospital Governance in Latin America: Results from a Four Nation Survey
Richard J. Bogue, PhD, Claude H. Hall, MA, MHA, Gerard M. La Forgia, PhD
Board 7Democratizing clinical care: Evidence of an innovative performance improvement program in Egypt
Gamal El Khatib, MD, MPH, Mohamed Abou Nar, MBA, MSc, Morsy Mansour, MD, Ton Van der Velden, MD, MPH
Board 8Improving segregation of medical waste in a resource limited setting in Zambia: The impact of using colour coded receptacles
Christopher Mazimba, Mmed(ob/gyn), Richard S. Hughes, MA, Martha Ndhlovu, Answell Chipukuma, Higher Diploma, Matildah Matipa Zyambo, mcips, Kuhu Maitra
Hediye Seval Akg�n, MD, PhD, Gamze G�nes, Quality speciali, Coskun Bakar, MD, Is�L. Irem Budakoglu, Specialist
Board 10Monitoring Patient Satisfaction Using Statistical Process Control
Hediye Seval Akg�n, MD, PhD, Gamze G�nes, Quality speciali
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:International Health
Endorsed by:Public Health Nursing

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA