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Jennifer L. Lauby, PhD, Nayck Feliz, MA, ABD, and Christopher Washington, BBA. Research and Evaluation, Philadelphia Health Management Corporation, 260 S. Broad Street, 18th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102, 215 985-2556, jennifer@phmc.org
BACKGROUND: The decision to have unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) is influenced by the context and meaning of the interaction. We examined relationships between UAI, places men have sex, and self-reported reasons for having sex.
METHODS: In Philadelphia, 540 Black MSM recruited through Respondent-Driven Sampling completed an ACASI survey assessing HIV risk. Participants were age 18-71 (mean=42.4); 78% reported annual income less than $20,000; 25% did not complete high school and 26% completed education beyond high school. 17% identified as heterosexual, 44% bisexual, and 39% homosexual.
RESULTS: Most frequently mentioned locations for sex with a man were: participant's own home (41%), sexual partner's home (37%), hotels (32%), parks (24%), cars (20%), video stores/movies (13%) and on the street (10%). Overall, 28% reported UAI with a non-main partner in the past 3 months. Men most likely to report UAI were those who had sex in video stores (49% UAI), on the street (49%), in parks (38%) and in cars (36%). The effects of location on UAI remained significant (p<.05) after controlling for age, SES and sexual identity. Men most likely to report UAI were those whose reasons for sex were “I'm addicted to sex” (35% UAI), “to overcome feeling lonely” (34%) and “because I'm horny” (33%).
CONCLUSIONS: A better understanding of the context of sexual behavior is essential to develop appropriate and effective interventions for high-risk populations such as Black MSM. The experiences and opinions of the people affected are crucial to consider when developing prevention programs in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Bisexual, Gay Men
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Any relevant financial relationships? No
The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA