Phase I - Problem descsription
Kate Perkins, MPA, Director, Population Health Programs, Medical Care Development, 11 Parkwood Drive, Augusta, ME 04330, 207 622-7566,
Learning Objectives:
- 1. Upon completion of this institute the participant will be able to list the four �Ps� of social marketing.
- 2. Upon completion of this institute the participant will be able to name and navigate the phases and steps in the CD-ROM�s social marketing planning process
- 3. Upon completion of this institute the participant will be able to locate the extensive resource documents, case studies, consultant video tapes and media examples contained in the CD
- 4. Upon completion of this institute the participant will be able to explain how the tool �My Plan� can be used to develop a best practice social marketing plan that includes a draft problem description, and outline for market research, strategy, and program monitoring/evaluation.
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Any relevant financial relationships? No
Handout (.pdf format, 39.9 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 63.5 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 47.6 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 11.7 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 53.0 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 130.4 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 16.6 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 846.4 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 11.3 kb)
Handout (.pdf format, 11.4 kb)
Using CdCynergy Social Marketing Version 2.0: A Computer Based Social Marketing Planning Tool To Address Public Health Disparity And Infrastructure Issues.
The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA