152632 Multi-agency state government funding of mental health services

Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 9:15 AM

Noel Mazade, PhD , National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Insitute, Inc., Alexandria, VA
Theodore Lutterman , National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute, Inc., Alexandria, VA
Bernadette Phelan, PhD , National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute, Inc., Alexandria, VA
This presentation will highlight the results of a two-year federally funded study in 18 states designed to identify the amount of dollars, number of persons served, and types of services supported by major state government agencies. Agencies included the state mental health agency, Medicaid, corrections, social services, juvenile justice, education, housing, vocational rehabilitation, and other health and human services. The presentation will describe the scope of these agencies, public finance implications of multiple funding sources, impact on policy and planning, and implications for consumers seeking services.

Learning Objectives:
1. Recognize all sources of funding that support public mental health services. 2. Analyze the balance among various funding sources including Medicaid, state mental health agency, corrections, and other health and human services. 3. Apply these insights to state government policy formulation, public finance issues, and impact on client services.

Keywords: Financing, Policy/Policy Development

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