Beyond initiative funding: Designing a media promotion plan for a national portal to tobacco cessation quitline services that is sustainable locally
Wednesday, November 7, 2007: 12:45 PM
Sally Deval
Banyan Communications, St. Charles, MO, MO
Brenda Silverman, Ph D
Division of Strategic Planning, Policy and Evaluation, Constella Group, Atlanta, GA
Mary Anne Bright, RN, MN
Office of Cancer Information Services, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD
Candace Deaton Maynard, MPA
Office of Partnerships and Dissemination Initiatives, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD
A persuasive body of evidence indicate that tobacco cessation quitline counseling services are highly effective behavioral intervention for helping large numbers of smokers quit their tobacco dependence. Quitline counseling services are effective only to the extent the public are aware of their availability. 1-800-QUIT-NOW is a toll-free portal to resources for smokers who want to quit, supported by the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Promotion and Prevention. A promotion strategy to raise public awareness of the availability of 1-800-QUIT-NOW integrated issues related to sustainability and audience reach throughout the development of the promotion plan. The promotions campaign, national in scope and regional in application, used a four tiered, vertically integrated, consumer based social marketing plan. The Promotions Campaign strategy included a single, clear message to contact 1-800-QUIT- NOW for tobacco cessation services and was distributed through a wide variety of media channels and collaborative partnership with federal, states, and commercial entities to disseminate materials and messages to target audiences. This framework allows persons from the general audience and target audiences to receive the campaign message across a number of communication platforms, thereby increasing audience awareness and exposure to the campaign message. The promotions plan also was designed to develop and leverage national promotions activities and materials that can be adopted and sustained locally.
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify evidence-based promotion strategies for increasing the awareness and use of smoking cessation services for general population of smokers and high-risk priority population smokers.
2. Identify multiple channels through which to disseminate those messages to achieve maximum impact on increasing the use of quitlines.
Keywords: Community Involvement, Media Campaigns
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