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![]() 5174.0 Drug Use and HIV Risk Behaviors among Men: Sexuality and Cultural ConsiderationsWednesday, November 7, 2007: 2:30 PM
Rates of HIV/AIDS remain disproportionately high among certain segments of the male population, thereby indicating a need for new prevention programs. In this session, participants will learn about sexual practices, substance use, and housing stability among men vulnerable to HIV. In the first presentation, the emphasis will be to describe the association between behavioral health and HIV/HCV risk behaviors in young African Americans who inject drugs. In presentation two, the presenter will discuss prevalence and correlates of bisexual activities and their relationship to an increased risk for HIV transmission among males at high risk. The emphasis of the third presentation is identifying the associations among drug use, bisexual activity, and HIV risk among African American men who have sex with men. In the fourth presentation, the presenter will discuss the inter-relations among ethnicity, drug use, homelessness, sexual behavior and HIV in a sample of men who were recruited via respondent driven sampling.
Session Objectives: 1. Describe HIV risk behaviors among male injection drug users and the impact of race/ethnicity.
2. Article HIV risk behaviors among male drug users who are bisexual.
3. Relationships between race/ethnicity, drug use, homelessness, and HIV risk behaviors among men.
3:30 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: HIV/AIDS
CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing
See more of: HIV/AIDS