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![]() 172136 Testing an innovative video intervention to prevent early childhood obesityTuesday, October 28, 2008: 10:30 AM
Introduction – Childhood obesity is occurring at younger ages; this project targets caregivers of children 0-24 months.
Methodology – We produced an English/Spanish infant feeding video (DVD), distributed for home viewing at one NYC WIC center (Intervention Group/IG) but not at three others (Control Group/CG). Baseline and 3-month surveys were conducted. Evaluation Results –171 IG and 197 CG mothers were similar in age (mean = 27.7), baby's age (mean=1.6 months), education, parity, and breastfeeding (80%). IG was less likely to be US-born (9% vs. 30%, p<.001), to speak English (33% vs. 56%, p<.001), and had lower knowledge scores (mean=5.8 vs. 6.3, p<.001). In logistic regression, IG had significantly lower scores (AOR=0.6) and those speaking English (AOR=1.6) and completing high school (AOR=2.3) significantly higher scores. At follow-up, 85% of IG reported watching the video. Breastfeeding (68%) and solid food introduction (58%) were similar for IG and CG. Knowledge increased for both but remained lower for IG (mean=6.3 vs. 6.6, p<.05). For key topics, IG improved more; for example, those knowing the size of a baby's stomach increased from 33% to 58%. Improvement in IG scores was related to times the DVD was watched. In logistic regression, knowledge differences were no longer significant for IG and CG while speaking English (AOR=1.6) and completing high school (AOR=2.8) remained significantly associated with increased score. Discussion - At follow-up, IG evidenced greater improvement in knowledge reducing the differential with CG observed earlier. Additional impact may emerge at 6-month interviews. If effective, the intervention can easily be replicated.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Latino, Child Health Promotion
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the PI for the project and have participated in every phase of it. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Addressing Child Overweight in Early Childhood Settings
See more of: Food and Nutrition |