A Prevention Model for Homeless Health Care
Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 12:30 PM
Sherryn Craig, MPP
Patient Care Services, Fairfax County Health Department, Fairfax, VA
The Homeless Healthcare Program (HHP) provides outreach to the unsheltered homeless. Four mobile medical teams, comprised of nurse practitioners (medical and psychiatric), community outreach workers, mental/substance abuse outreach workers, in addition to one part-time psychiatrist, are dispatched to areas of the county where the unsheltered homeless live. After assessing each client, teams provide physical and behavioral health care, as well as referral and transportation to medical care, mental health and alcohol and drug services, and dental resources. The unsheltered are offered the opportunity to enroll in existing county programs, be they emergency shelters, alcohol and substance abuse treatment, primary health care, and/or mental health counseling. They are also afforded the opportunity to enroll in the dental and/or denture programs created and funded specifically for this program. During HHP's first year of operation, NPs treated 488 unduplicated clients. Patients presented with complex and advanced disease pathologies, necessitating the use of priority and acuity ratings. To evaluate the number of emergency department visits avoided, medical conditions were classified using ICD-9 codes. Data from the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association (VHHA) were then used to estimate cost-savings for providing preventive and primary health care to the unsheltered homeless. Dental treatment plans were also collected and evaluated using regional private payor data. While Fairfax County's unsheltered homeless population was unlikely to seek acute health care services, significant cost-savings were achieved in stabilizing those patients with dental, cardiac, pneumonia, and mental health conditions.
Learning Objectives: (1) Identify ways to outreach to the unsheltered homeless; (2) Design data collection tools to assess program objectives; and (3) Evaulate program effectiveness and efficiency of homeless medical services.
Keywords: Homeless, Health Care
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have worked as a Public Health Administrator for the past 5 years as the Assistant Director of Patient Care Services. As an Administrator I am responsible for the overall program development, implementation and management of a number of public health initiatives and programs. The Homeless Health Care Program is one such initiative that I, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary group and community leaders developed and implemented. I now manage the implemented Homeless Healthcare Program and am responsible for programmatic evaluation and on-going reporting to funding authorities.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines,
and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed
in my presentation.