2040.0 Occupational Health and Safety Posters I

Sunday, October 26, 2008: 2:30 PM
Share Information
Session Objectives: Share Information
Peter Dooley, MS, CIH, CSP

Board 1
Occupational health and safety knowledge and concerns of nurses in the Philippines
Suzanne Lobaton Cabrera, BS, RN, Butch de Castro, PhD, MSN/MPH, RN, Gilbert C. Gee, PhD, Kaori Fujishiro, PhD and Eularito A. Tagalog, RN, COHN
Board 2
Employment Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using Nerve Conduction Studies is Not Supported by Current Evidence
Theodore N. Armstrong, BS, Ann Marie Dale, OTR/L, PhD, Alfred Franzblau, MD, Jaime Strickland, MA and Bradley A. Evanoff, MD, MPH
Board 3
Validation of self-reported occupational exposures in meatpacking workers
Lina Lander, ScD, Gary S. Sorock, PhD, Terry L. Stentz, PhD, Ellen A. Eisen, ScD, Murray A. Mittleman, DrPH, Russ Hauser, ScD and Melissa J. Perry, ScD
Board 4
Prevalence of visual and hearing impairment among older US workers: The National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2004
Evelyn P. Davila, MPH, Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, MPH, David J. Lee, PhD, Lora E. Fleming, MD, PhD, William G. LeBlanc, PhD, Byron L. Lam, MD, Kristopher L. Arheart, EdD, Kathryn E. McCollister, PhD, Diane Zheng, MS, Sharon L. Christ, PhD, Peter Muennig, MD, MPH and Kenneth F. Ferraro, PhD
Board 5
Gender differences, occupational and demographics characteristics of workers with bronchial asthma
Ivis Figueroa-S�nchez, MS, Lida Orta-Anes, PhD, Mario Rodriguez-S�nchez, PhD and Cruz M. Nazario, PhD
Board 6
Prevention of long-term disability in back injuries: Screening and intervention
Deborah Fulton-Kehoe, PhD, MPH, Gary M. Franklin, MD, MPH, Thomas M. Wickizer, PhD, MPH, Jeremy V. Gluck, PhD, MPH and Judith A. Turner, PhD
Board 7
Workplace sun protection policies: A new opportunity in skin cancer prevention
David B. Buller, PhD, Mary Klein Buller, MA and Xia Liu, MS
Board 8

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety
Endorsed by: APHA-Student Assembly