2041.0 Occupational Health and Safety Posters II

Sunday, October 26, 2008: 2:30 PM

Board 1
Healthy Babies, Healthy Business: A Worksite Health Education Program
Stephen Abelman, MBA and Janis Biermann, MS
Board 2
Impact of Military Deployment on Soldiers with Pre-Deployment Chronic and Recurrent Injuries
Suzanne R. Block, MPH, Keith G. Hauret, MSPH, MPT, Nakia S. Clemmons, MPH, Bonnie Taylor, PhD and Bruce H. Jones, MD, MPH
Board 4
Job insecurity measure as a form of low social control
HeeKyoung Chun, ScD, Robert Karasek, PhD, Lenore Azaroff, ScD, Rafael MoureEraso, PhD and SangWoo Tak, ScD
Board 5
Board 6
Hearing Protection Use in an Urban Population: Preliminary Data
Robyn R.M. Gershon, DrPH, Richard L. Neitzel, MS, CIH, PhD, Martin F. Sherman, PhD, Marina Zeltser, BA, Stephanie Samar, BA, Muhammad Akram, PhD and Jaclyn B. Spitzer, PhD
Board 7
Occupational and off-duty injuries among U.S. Army soldiers deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003 – 2006
Keith G. Hauret, MSPH, MPT, Nakia S. Clemmons, MPH, Suzanne R. Block, MPH, Bonnie Taylor, PhD and Bruce H. Jones, MD, MPH
Board 9
Psychosocial factors and worker mental health in Chile
Marcelo Villalon, MD, MPH, Ruben Alvarado, MD, MPH, PhD, Nella Marchetti, Chem Eng, MPH, Leonel Valdivia, PhD and Macarena Hirmas
Board 10
Moving toward Healthier Habits in the Workplace
Willie Watts-Troutman, RN, PHN, BSN, Indiana Gabbidon, RN, PHN, MSN and Idriss Fassassi, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety
Endorsed by: APHA-Student Assembly