3179.0 Improving pregnancy outcomes Poster Session 1: Public Health without Borders

Monday, October 27, 2008: 12:30 PM
This poster session will present a variety of cutting edge clinical, organizational, and policy-related issues related to promoting healthy pregnancy and addressing persistent disparities in adverse birth outcomes, such as the life course perspective, personal empowerment, and the Centering Pregnancy model of group prenatal care.
Session Objectives: 1. Discuss innovative strategies based on the life course perspective for reducing adverse birth outcomes in vulnerable populations 2. Identify cutting edge strategies, such as the Centering Pregnancy model, for empowering high risk pregnant women in order to improve their birth outcomes 3. Describe psychosocial and systems-related issues that influence racial/ethnic disparities in pregnancy outcomes
Judith R. Katzburg, PhD, MPH, RN , Janine Lewis, MPH and Tyan Parker Dominguez, PhD, MPH, MSW

Board 1
Improving pregnancy outcomes for Latinas: Comenzando bien
Marian Levy, DrPH, RD, Espi Ralston, MA, MAT, MA and Valencia Morman-Nelson, BSEd
Board 2
Factors related to reduced social support for pregnant African American women
Kathy S. Katz, PhD, Margaret Rodan, ScD, Susan M. Blake, PhD, Marie Gantz, PhD, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, PhD and Siva Subramanian, MD
Board 7
Board 8
Pregnant patients and perinatal providers: Are we on the same page regarding preterm birth?
F.L. Mara Burney, MPH, Karla Damus, RN, MSPH, PhD, Julie Solomon, PhD, LeAnn Langston, RN, Jennifer Sparks, RN, MSN, Nancy Jennings, RN, MSN and Diane M. Ashton, MD, MPH
Board 9
Delivering maternity services to women at risk for poor pregnancy outcomes: Comparing different service delivery models in Washington D.C
Louise C. Palmer, MA, Brigette M. Courtot, MPH, Mark J. Hathaway, MD MPH and Diana Jolles, CNM MS

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by: Food and Nutrition