4326.0 Ensuring relevance: Health promotion with special populations

Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 4:30 PM
This poster session investigates adolescent health issues among a variety of different adolescent groups: Latino/a, African-American, urban/suburban/rural, pregnant and parenting teens, Uzbekistani, Israeli, Bedouin, and adolescents with special health care needs. Posters cover topics such as obesity, violence, sexual behavior, reproductive services and bullying. Themes of acculturation, assessment and culturally defined gender relations are explored.
Session Objectives: 1. Articulate how risk factors and intervention approaches may differ for a variety of different populations. 2. Describe ways in which acculturation and ethnic and/or racial identity relate to obesity and body image. 3. Recognize different needs and approaches to reach adolescents of different ethnic backgrounds and nationalities with reporductive health services.
Katie Sellers, MPH, DrPH and Lynn Roberts, PhD

Board 1
Adolescent obesity in Latino immigrants: Influences of acculturation and gender on exercise behavior
Heather Diaz, DrPH, Helen Hopp Marshak, PhD, Susanne Montgomery, PhD, MPH, MS and Desiree R. Backman, DrPH, RD
Board 2
Board 3
Ethnic differences in body weight and body appearance perception among US schoolchildren: Results from the 2001 HBSC survey
Tilda Farhat, PhD, MPH, Rafael Mikolajczyk, MD, MSc, Ronald Iannotti, PhD and Vijaya Thomas
Board 4
Association of acculturation and parental education with teenage childbearing among Latina women in California
Christine E. Dehlendorf, MD, Kristen Marchi, MPH, Eric Vittinghoff, PhD and Paula A. Braveman, MD, MPH
Board 5
Continued Use of Alcohol by Adolescents during Pregnancy
Margaret Rodan, ScD, Kathy S. Katz, PhD, Julia Baidoo, MEd, Davene White, RN MPH, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, PhD, Sylvia Tan, MS and Siva Subramanian, MD
Board 8
Pregnancy outcomes of Bedouin teenagers in Southern Israel
Tally Eliyahu-Caspi, MPH, Ilana Shoham-Vardi, PhD, MPH and Atif Zeadna, MD
Board 9

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion, Socialist Caucus, Women's Caucus