2049.0 Capacity Building/Assessments for Organizations & Professionals Serving Asians & Pacific Islanders

Sunday, October 26, 2008: 4:30 PM
This poster session will focus on the capacity building and assessment efforts of health organizations and professionals that have worked with Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian communities. The sessions highlight projects that have been able to use innovative approaches and partner with traditional and non-traditional organizations and professionals invested in improving the health and access to healthcare in their communities. Many of the posters also incorporate the use of cultural values of a specific community in the development of their projects.
Session Objectives: 1) To learn about different capacity building and assessment strategies utilized by organizations and professionals working with Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian communities. 2) To understand the various processes, methods, and resources utilized to engage different organizations and professionals, outside of academia and the medical field, to address barriers to accessing healthcare. 3) To inform community-based organizations and academic and medical institutions about ways to work collaboratively in developing culturally competent training, research, and interventions within a community on a specific health issue.
Lily Ann Divino, LMSW, MPH
Lily Ann Divino, LMSW, MPH

Board 1
Protecting our Community by Talking our Stories: Culturally Appropriate HIV Capacity Building Among Pacific Islander Organizations in Southern California
Lola Sablan Santos, Lourdes Flores Quitugua, Jonathan Lepule, Tony Maguadog, Rose Perez, Steve Young, Louise Young and Lois M. Takahashi, PhD
Board 2
Fostering culturally competent, community-based research in the API community through the Health Disparities Research Training Program
Kevin C. Lo, MPH, Jolene Chou, MPH, Thomas Tsang, MD, MPH, Noilyn Abesamis-Mendoza, MPH, Nadia Islam, PhD, Kenny Kwong, PhD, Regina Lee, Esq, Susan Seto-Yee, RN, MPA, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, DrPH and Mariano Rey, MD
Board 3
Developing and evaluating a culturally appropriate intervention to improve colorectal cancer screening recommendation by Chinese primary care physicians
Wenchi Liang, PhD, Grace X. Ma, PhD, Mei-Yuh Chen, MS, Yin Tan, MD, Ying Yuan, MS, Yuchen Huang, BS, Jessica Hsieh, MS and Jeanne S. Mandelblatt, MD
Board 4
A Phone-counseling smoking-cessation program for Chinese restaurant workers
Dee Burton, PhD, Xin X. Zeng, Nga L. Sze, Junmian Sun, Cynthia Chiu, Yilin Chen and Margaret S. Chin
Board 5
Evaluation research capacity and priorities at community health centers serving Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
Rosy Chang Weir, PhD, Winston Tseng, PhD, Michelle Valle-Perez, MA and Jeffrey Caballero, MPH
Board 6
Continued Medical Education increases community-based clinicians' knowledge about colorectal cancer screening and treatment in San Francisco Chinatown, CA
Elisa Tong, MD, Tung Nguyen, MD, Edward Chow, MD, Justin Quock, MD, Albert Yu, MD, Ginny Gildegorin, PhD and Steve McPhee, MD
Board 9
Tapping into the Potential of Pacific Islander Faith Organizations
Jonathan Lepule and Roxanna Bautista, MPH, CHES
Board 10
Engaging Native Hawaiian men in health care: A cultural approach
Joseph Keawe'aimoku Kaholokula, PhD, Claire Hughes, DrPH and Paula T. Higuchi, MSW

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Asian Pacific Islander Caucus of APHA