3175.0 Natural Disasters, Terrorism, and Chemical Emergency Preparedness Posters

Monday, October 27, 2008: 12:30 PM

Board 1
Louisiana Operation Prepare 2007
Doris G. Brown, MS, MEd, RN, CNS
Board 3
Outcomes of the 2006 International Radiological Dispersal Incident: Examining the Radiological Emergency Response Capabilities in the United States
Lisa C. McCormick, MPH, Valerie A. Yeager, MPH, MPhil, Norman E. Bolus, MPH, CNMT, W. Jack Duncan, PhD and Payal H. Patel, MPH, MBA
Board 4
Chemical and radiological workforce readiness: Managing the interdepartmental collaboration, planning, development and implementation of chemical and radiological emergency preparedness online curricula for a large local public health department infrastructure
Michelle A. Precourt, MPH, Cyrus Rangan, MD, FAAP, ACMT, Kathleen Kaufman, Stella Fogleman, RN, MSN/MPH, CNS, Jeffrey Day, Noel Bazini-Barakat, RN, MSN, MPH and Karen Garman, EdD, MAPP
Board 5
A cost-based typology of household disaster preparedness actions: The "Get Ready Pyramid"
Megumi Kano, DrPH, Michele M. Wood, PhD, Dennis S. Mileti, PhD and Linda B. Bourque, PhD
Board 6
Terrorism-Related Fear and Avoidance Behavior in a Multi-Ethnic Urban Population
David Eisenman, MD, Deborah Glik, ScD, Michael K. Ong, MD PhD, Qiong Zhou, MS, Anna Long, PhD, Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MPH and Steven Asch, MD
Board 7
Hurricane Katrina-Related Injuries and Immunizations among Gulf Coast Evacuees Sheltered in Houston, Texas, September 2005
Nancy F. Weller, BSN, MPH, DrPH, Mark Faul, BS, MS, PhD, Julie A. Jones, MD, MPH, Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH, Douglas R. Hamilton, MD, PhD and Herminia Palacio, MD, MPH
Board 8
Surge capacity networks
Hr Foushee, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services