3391.0 School Health Education Posters: Programs and Policies

Monday, October 27, 2008: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Board 2
Implementation of an evidence-based coordinated school health program in a large urban county supported by a community coalition: Lessons from school district leaders
Heather Hochberg-Garrett, RD LD, Nancy G. Murray, DrPH, Martha Cuccia, MPH, CHES, Linda Forys, EdM, CHES, Andrew E. Springer, DrPH, Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RD, LD, CNS and Steve Kelder, PhD
Board 3
Access, utilize and disseminate school health data across borders
Jessica H. Gerdes, RN, MS, NCSN, Winston C. Liao, MPH and Elizabeth Mizelle, BA
Board 5
Evaluating school health services by academic outcomes and administrative data
Jolene Perkins, Margo Bushmiaer, MNSc, RNP, NCSN, Lynn Mouden, DDS, MPH, David Rickard, MPA, Cheryl Chapman, James C. Wohlleb, MS, Maurecia Robinson, MA and Karen DeJarnette, MA, PhD
Board 6
Parental involvement in adolescent health and healthcare in school-based health centers
Annie-Laurie McRee, MPH, Amy Davenport, MPH, Andrea Meier, EdM, PhD and Carol A. Ford, MD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: School Health Education and Services
Endorsed by: Maternal and Child Health, Public Health Education and Health Promotion