4155.0 Lessons Learned: Perspectives from Community, Agency, and Academic Partners in Promoting Preparedness in Underserved and Disenfranchised Communities

Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 12:30 PM
With increased globalization, the concerns about new and emerging infectious diseases need more attention from researchers and outreach workers who can connect with community organizations�particularly those who represent underserved and disenfranchised communities. While the threat of a new and emerging disease pandemic affects us all, communities in the US which are underserved and disenfranchised face an increased risk due to social, economic, and health factors. In this regard, disparities for these populations can result in differential preparedness for public health emergencies. To address this concern, the University of South Carolina�s Arnold School of Public Health and the Institute for Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities are working in partnership with the Cooperative Extension Programs of 1890 Land-grant Institutions to Mobilize Against Threats to Community Health (MATCH). This partnership is designed to promote broad geographic reach and appropriate grassroots immersion, through a participatory curriculum development process, an on-site training program, community projects and a capstone event. Community projects developed by 1890 Cooperative Extensions address the myriad issues of new and emerging infectious diseases by developing and conducting organizational assessments, engaging community stakeholders, and developing/distributing vital information. Involvement of 1890 Extension programs has been crucial to the success of the MATCH Project, as has been an extensive approach to curriculum development which included site-visits, a liaison program and participatory development and implementation. Lessons learned in this project include the importance of designing a program with the flexibility of meeting both partnering institutions and community members where they are in the preparedness process.
Session Objectives: The need for preparedness among underserved and disenfranchised populations for new and emerging infectious diseases. The role that 1890 Cooperative Extension Programs play in providing public health information and infrastructure for underserved and disenfranchised populations. Strategies used by 1890 Cooperative Extension Programs to foster organizational and community preparedness for underserved and disenfranchised populations for new and emerging infectious diseases.
Saundra Glover, MBA, PhD

12:30 PM
Overview - Moderator
Saundra Glover, MBA, PhD

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