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![]() 4059.0 Inactivity and Obesity -a National Epidemic in Adults and Children (Organized Jointly by PHN & SHES)Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 8:30 AM
Panel Discussion
On July 1, 2008, the results of the largest study of the physical fitness of our American youth was reported. During the first six months of 2008, 2,596,565 Texas students, grades 3 through 12, were evaluated using a nationally recognized fitness test. This assessment measures percent body fat (or BMI), aerobic capacity, flexibility, and three tests of upper and lower body strength. The results were startling! Less than one-third of the 3rd grade boys and girls could pass all six of the age and sex-adjusted tests, and there was a steady decline until the 12th grade when less than 10% could pass all six of the tests. Correlation between the results of the Fitnessgram® test and variables, including academic grades, attendance rates, the incidence of obesity, use of the government-sponsored free lunch programs, and discipline issues, will be presented.
Dr. Cooper will present his research findings from the state of Texas survey. The panel members will discuss his work in relationship to their professional roles in public school settings. The panel members will provide a discussion with Dr. Cooper on the consequences of his research on childhood obesity in the school setting.
Session Objectives: List two major findings from a state-wide study of physical fitness of American youth.
Discuss the correlation between physical fitness and the incidence of obesity.
Colleen Hughes, PhD, RN
Larry K. Olsen, DrPH, CHES
Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH
Rosemary Jaworski, FNP, MSN
David R. Paul, PhD
8:30 AM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Public Health Nursing
CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing
See more of: Public Health Nursing