209203 Conduct disorder and sleep deficit as risk factors for risky driving behaviors and problematic alcohol use

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jamison D. Fargo, PhD , Department of Psychology, Utah State University, Logan, UT
Michael Lyons, MD , Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Marilyn S. Sommers, PhD , School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Risk factors for vehicular collisions include driver error and inattention, sleep deficit/drowsy driving, speeding, traffic law violations, and substance use. Little research has explored the complex interplay among these risk factors and no research has explored conduct disorder as a potential risk factor for risky driving. Data from 328 patients (ages 18-44) from an urban emergency department and meeting criteria for problematic drinking and risky driving were used to test a theoretical model whereby sleep deficit and conduct disorder (before and after age 15) served as predictors of risky driving and problematic alcohol use. Constructs of problematic alcohol use, sleep deficit, conduct disorder, hostile driving, reckless driving, drinking and driving, and marijuana use and driving were validated using confirmatory factor analytic methods (CFI = .97, TLI = .98, RMSEA = .04). A structural equation model was tested where sleep deficit, conduct disorder both before and after age 15, current age, and sex predicted risky driving and problematic alcohol (CFI = .90, TLI = .93, RMSEA = .06). Results suggested conduct disorder before age 15 predicted problematic drinking, and drinking and driving. Conduct disorder after age 15 predicted hostile driving, reckless driving, and marijuana use while driving. Sleep deficit predicted problematic drinking, marijuana and driving, reckless driving, and hostile driving. Younger males were more likely to be reckless and hostile drivers as well as smoke marijuana and drive. Prevention and intervention programs should focus on increasing positive sleep behavior and early intervention for conduct disorder.

Learning Objectives:
Explain the role of conduct disorder as a risk factor for risky driving and problematic drinking.

Keywords: Motor Vehicles, Injury

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: MS, Quantitative Epidemiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 2008 PhD, Experimental/Quantitative Psychology, University of Cincinnati, 2004 MA, Clinical Psychology, University of Cincinnati, 2003 BS, Psychology, University of Utah, 2000 BA, Behavioral \& Health Sciences, University of Utah, 2000 \item Sommers MS, Dyehouse JM, Howe SR, Fleming MF, \textbf{Fargo JD}, Schafer JC. Effectiveness of brief interventions following alcohol-related vehicular injury: A randomized controlled trial. \textit{Journal of Trauma}. 2006;61:523-533. \item Sommers MS, Howe SR, Dyehouse JM, Fleming M, \textbf{Fargo JD}, Schafer JC. Patterns of drinking four weeks prior to an alcohol-related vehicular crash. \textit{Traffic Injury Prevention}. 2005;6:110-116. \item Sommers MS, \textbf{Fargo JD}, Lyons M, Bohn CM.* Problem drinking, cigarette smoking, and risky driving in an urban emergency department sample. Paper presentation, \textit{Research Society on Alcoholism} annual meeting, Washington, DC. 2008, June. \item Sommers MS, Lyons M, \textbf{Fargo JD}, Ribak J. Screening and brief intervention for problem drinking and risky driving. Paper presentation, \textit{Research Society on Alcoholism} annual meeting, Washington, DC. 2008, June.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

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