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![]() 209517 Examination of the Impact of Religious Coping and Resiliency on the Perception of Discrimination in Katrina SurvivorsWednesday, November 11, 2009
After Hurricane Katrina, those most affected are in various stages of recovery. Reports and research have addressed physical, environmental, and psychological effects, misdistribution of healthcare, housing, and other services and subsequent emotional toll. While lack of preparation, resources, and less than optimal coordination of services were factors, it is not clear how discrimination, resiliency and coping played a role. We compared services received with perception of discrimination, resiliency and religious coping.
Methods We surveyed 223 (original) Mississippi Gulf Coast residents on sources of aid received. We hypothesized that religious coping strategies and their level of resiliency are major factors in the recovery process as factors that influenced perception of discrimination. Given historical and persistent inequities in the Bible belt, we looked at the perception of discrimination and its relationship to religious coping and general resiliency in this sample population. Survey participants completed a modified religious coping scale, validated by factor analyses. Sub-domains include resiliency scale and perceived frequency of discriminatory events in various settings. We present data examining the relationship of discrimination perception to religious coping and resiliency. Results A minority of this population felt that discrimination was a factor in their receipt of aid and in their daily lives. While discrimination was detected, there were some significant relationships between perception of discrimination and religious coping. Those who displayed strong coping were more likely to experience discrimination. An explanation for this phenomenon is explained.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Faith Community, Coping
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Co-Investigator I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Innovative faith-based public health approaches
See more of: Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community |