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![]() 3344.0 Quality ImprovementMonday, November 9, 2009: 2:30 PM
There are many factors that affect the quality of health care. As healthcare providers, we are constantly striving to improve the quality of care that we provide. In this session, we will be exposed to various analyses of quality of care in different settings. Each of the studies that will be presented will assess different aspects of quality of healthcare. Though each of these studies is specific to perhaps an institution or disease entity, each is linked to the others in its interest in elucidating those factors that may affect quality of care, in general. The importance of these studies is in the way each seeks to identify the factors that affect quality of care, be those factors racial or ethnic disparities, or the ways in which institutions chart their records, or the perceptions and teaching of those that are involved in the delivery of healthcare in an institution. Though each presenter looks at a particular disease, institution or endpoint, as we listen to each of our presenters, we must keep in mind our objectives in this session. By the end of the session, each of us will have an improved understanding of the various factors related to quality and what can be done to improve its delivery. As one of our objectives in this session, we ask how do we change the barriers that impair quality? Ultimately, that question becomes how do we improve the quality of care that patients in healthcare receive?
Session Objectives: 1. Discuss how knowledge, attitudes, and practices can be improved to improve quality of healthcare.
2. Assess how disparities in healthcare among ethnic and racial populations can be improved.
3. Identify mechanisms through which healthcare delivery can be improved.
Amy Fendrich, MD
2:45 PM
3:15 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Medical Care CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: Medical Care